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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

Tucker Carlson visits Julian Assange (The Source)

FBI raids home of New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s Fund-raising chief.

Trump lawyer John Eastman (accidentally) reveals 8 subpoenaed emails: "Clarence Thomas was our only hope to stop 2020 election certification."

Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty on all seven charges for operating the fraudulent crypto company FTX.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams under FBI investigation for illegal foreign donations from Turkey.

Rep. James Comer says the Bidens will be subpoenaed within the next few days.

Multiple U.S. banks were hit by deposit delays on caused by an error at a payment processing network.

Pentagon will no longer fly members of Congress and many DoD officials to Israel.

Mark Zuckerberg had an injury on his foot/leg and will be wearing a medical boot.

Software giant Adobe was caught selling AI-generated images of the Israel-Hamas war.

Donald Trump mentions watermarks on paper ballots for the election.

A new primary election has been ordered by a Connecticut state court amid alleged fraud, while Democrats in Massachusetts and New Jersey are also accused of or charged with election fraud.

Zelensky invites Trump to Ukraine. Trump vehemently declines his offer.

US military announces an Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarine has arrived in the Middle East.

Iran calls upon the BRICS community to intervene in the Israel-Hamas conflict, using its clout and economic influence.

Pfizer to lay off 781 workers in New Jersey.

World Health Organization warns painful mosquito-borne disease will become a major threat this decade.

Assassination attempt on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas or Mossad psyop to divide the Palestinian government?

A man with a gun (AR-15) outside the US Capitol. (Obvious false flag for diversion)

Voting machines were shut down in several Pennsylvania districts due to votes getting flipped from Republican to Democrat.

Internet and phone lines down for millions of Australians after what authorities are investigating as a possible cyberattack. The entire infrastructure of Australia was crippled by the outage.

Head of the Pentagon office responsible for investigating UFOs will step down from his post in December.

Donald Trump’s Attorney Alina Habba claims the CIA is involved In the persecution of Trump.

40 attacks have now been carried out on US troops in the Middle East since the Israeli / Hamas conflict started.

Department of Defense issues nationwide advisory for all cities.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

To Clear The Floor- The Elections


The 25th Amendment

The PEAD Act

Law of War Manual

EO 13912

We are still under a "National Emergency". Do you know what this means?

Election Fraud

Voter Fraud

Human Trafficking

Drug Trafficking

Money Laundering

Etc. We have not settled anything on this issue in any official capacity regarding Law & Order where the general public has been informed via EAS/EBS. We are currently under military orders.

This is not an opinion.

This is not a theory.

This is not subjective.

EOs 13912 & 13919 is the reason for the past 5+ years you have been seeing military aircraft 24/7. Military Occupation. COG-(Continuity Of Government). Something Kevin McCarthy even mentioned weeks ago. Joe Biden Impeachment will make everything more clear as to why the current elections that took place are null/void.

Treason has been committed from the highest position in this country. The general public needs to see that Law & Order is the result through justice by Gavel & Sound Block.

Continuity Of Government. What does this mean? That things in all areas of society will continue without any interruption. Yes, this includes elections. This is why "The Normies" have been given this grace period as they continue on as if nothing is happening given the nature of this operation.





All these areas are under COG-. This will continue until you see Joe Biden removed from the White House. So please stop the crying about how the same ole' run of the mill corruption is continuing with fraudulent elections. It's supposed to be that way.

Are we clear?



Keeper of the Cheese
Dec 9, 2020
Shaq shoes. Good looking affordable shoes.
Fuck you stain
For those of you old enough to remember, back in the early 80s Panama Jack shirts were the coolest thing to wear. I asked my parents for one, received a Jamaica Joe shirt instead, and got shit on when I wore it to school. Kids are cruel and DGAF.


Jan 9, 2021
For those of you old enough to remember, back in the early 80s Panama Jack shirts were the coolest thing to wear. I asked my parents for one, received a Jamaica Joe shirt instead, and got shit on when I wore it to school. Kids are cruel and DGAF.
You shopped at the beach wear store two? Never could get the one with the ladies in the thong one.
Jul 1, 2023
Biden ordered more air strikes in Syria! Slava America!

U.S. military forces conducted an airstrike against a weapons facility in Syria Wednesday in retaliation for dozens of attacks against US bases in the region over the past several weeks.

U.S. troops in the Middle East have been attacked at least 42 times since mid-October, with two new attacks happening in the last 24 hours.

A U.S. defense official has confirmed the developments to Fox News on Wednesday. The recent attacks on U.S. bases began on October 17th, amid turmoil in the Middle East from the Israel-Hamas war.

American troops in Iraq and Syria has been repeatedly attacked by groups likely backed by Iran. Militants have been firing one-way drones and rockets.

The official explained that the newest attacks did not injure personnel or damage infrastructure. One of the incidents occurred at the al-Shaddadi base in Syria, while the other happened in Iraq.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III released a statement about the recent airstrikes on Wednesday.

"Today, at President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces conducted a self-defense strike on a facility in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups," the statement read. "This strike was conducted by two U.S. F-15s against a weapons storage facility. This precision self-defense strike is a response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by IRGC-Quds Force affiliates."

"The President has no higher priority than the safety of U.S. personnel, and he directed today’s action to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests," the statement added.

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