What they give they can also take away.The concept of universal basic income relies on the honesty and benevolence of those in control. We know that is a fallacy.
Not surprised. The security in Congressional offices is beyond abysmal. So is the pay and vetting process for staff. They can easily be manipulated financially as well as politically. For Feinstein to have a spy driving her for 20 years shows how little they vet before and after employment. It's as if they use retired Walmart greeters as security. This doesn't factor in deliberately allowed to happen.Saw this morning on 4chan that several members of congress/senate laptops were taken and that is why you are seeing all the panic with Pelosi and several others. TIFWIW
3?? Way better than me, not counting family and sluts
Probably should wait the 36 hr rule? Or was that 72 hrs?Huh?