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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 10, 2020
Disney spent about $270 million on the new "Marvels" movie. To advertise this female led epic they ran an 8 hour live stream of cats. I did not mistype that. They have turned Marvel superhero movies into shit for cat ladies.

Also need to let you guys know that the shit show Snow White movie they had coming out.... It's been pushed back to '25. The cost is around $350 million and they are reportedly still shooting new scenes to try to fix it. They have added actual midget back into the movie after Peter Dinklage convinced them it was racist to hire midgets.


Dec 10, 2020
My only problem with Jake is that he posted the debunked hospital bombing for 3 days after it was debunked. He constantly posted photos of kids that had been killed by Israel bomb with absolutely no way of knowing if it was real or not. He quickly shit on all Israel charges of "war crime" against Hamas.
Jul 1, 2023
What they give they can also take away.

Hence, the reason the judge denied a jury trial. The evidence is so overwhelming that even Harlem residents might realize it and vote not guilty.
You’re going to have a tough time when he is found guilty in every single trial on at least one count.

Dude is going away for life. Just accept it and move on.
Jul 1, 2023

I was worried this would happen. Let Israel be a warning to the rest of us. Deport and crackdown on leftist.

You do realize Orthodox Jews are significantly more upset at him than the lefties in that country?

He wasn’t going to survive as the PM either way. Don’t act like it’s just leftists in that country that are driving that.
Jul 1, 2023
CC dropping truth bombs in Florida!

"Your anger against the truth is reprehensible. When you think about the problems that our country and this world is facing… this type of pettiness is beneath the process of electing a president," he said, before telling the crowd that they "fear the truth."

"The problem is, you want to shout down any voice that says anything different than what you want to hear. And you can continue to do it… believe me, it doesn't bother me one bit," he said.


Jul 27, 2023
CC dropping truth bombs in Florida!

"Your anger against the truth is reprehensible. When you think about the problems that our country and this world is facing… this type of pettiness is beneath the process of electing a president," he said, before telling the crowd that they "fear the truth."

"The problem is, you want to shout down any voice that says anything different than what you want to hear. And you can continue to do it… believe me, it doesn't bother me one bit," he said.

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