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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 10, 2020

EAST FLATBUSH, Brooklyn (WABC) -- Police are investigating after a father and son were fatally shot in an apartment building in Brooklyn -- allegedly by their neighbor fed up with noise.

Authorities say they were found on the fourth floor of the East Flatbush apartment building just after 10:30 p.m. Sunday.

Their downstairs neighbor was apparently fed up with the noise and went upstairs before pulling a gun and shooting them both, police said.

Family members identified the victims as 47-year-old Bladimy Mathurin and his 27-year-old son Chinwai Mode.

Marie Delilles said the downstairs resident was banging on his ceiling and angry about the noise coming from their apartment. She said an argument escalated before the suspect fired nine rounds at the victims, in front of her 10-year-old.

The family, originally from Haiti, downsized from a larger apartment which was an adjustment for Delilles' younger children.

It looked like I was going to say self defense but it went to murder real quick.


Mar 24, 2023

The Deep State And Its Impact On Democracy with Kash Patel​

The deep state's impact on our democracy cannot be underestimated. Its mission is to protect its own interests rather than serve the American people.

This self-serving agenda has led to a two-tier system of justice, where the powerful are protected while the average citizen is left vulnerable.

Dr. Carson interviews Kash Patel, author of the book "Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy."

Patel, who has had a diverse career in public service, sheds light on the deep state and its impact on our government. Through his experiences as a national security prosecutor, terrorism expert, and congressional staffer, Patel has witnessed firsthand the corruption and politicization within our institutions.

In this thought-provoking interview, Patel exposes the deep state's agenda and offers solutions for taking back our democracy.
Jul 1, 2023
Actually they were worried about upholding slavery.

After the federal government was given control over all militias via the ratification of The Constitution the second amendment was then ratified to appease southern slave holders. Slave holders fear The federal government wouldn’t be firm enough with slaves or worse yet, in their minds, that they wouldn’t dispatch the militia to put down slave uprisings.



Jan 8, 2021


Oct 7, 2023
Airtight...so it finally happened and I'm dying laughing.

Y'all know I still post over there. Mainly in the current event threads....like say the Israel at war thread to be specific. I've been thread grounded for calling out the asshat mods for deleting posts at their whim and posting their deletions and notifications. However will I survive? Mass deletions of posts going on all over the place for calling out blatant antisemites posting in the thread. Apparently I'm too mean and somehow off topic 😂 I know damn good and well if they could, they would flat out ban me permanently.

I'm free to post in any other thread. Just not that thread for a week.

I feel like I've finally arrived and at the same time kinda insulted. It's not really a ban. It's just half ass temper tantrum pissiness.

Antisemitism is disgusting. It should be called out at every point. Especially when sitting congresswomen who happen to be relatives of known terrorists are given a pass after so casually labeling you and me as Nazis.

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