Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Holy shit. I'm in awe of how artfully Colonel Macgregor pointed to the Prussian/German/Nazi lineage of many of the international neocons without using the words "Prussian, "German" or "Nazi". Amazing work.

This exchange happens right after Tucker asks Col Macgregor "Who is Victoria Nuland?"

And the Colonel volunteers this description of the international neocons.

It takes place at about 17 minutes, 40 seconds into the interview.


OMG announces mole inside Kingsway Regional School recording everything.​

O’Keefe confronts Superintendent Jim Lavender in heated moment at school board meeting in Gloucester County, NJ. Superintendent Lavender shoots back at “Tabloid journalism that distorts truth and context… riddled with misleading information”

This comes days after emails and audio inside Kingsway showed counselors hiding students social transitioning from parents.
You decide

Debunking the Palestine Lie​

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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has launched an international campaign to achieve recognition by the United Nations for an independent Palestinian state. Abbas and his international supporters claim that only Israel (with the United States) stands in the way of this act of historical justice, which would finally bring about peace in the Middle East.

This video debunks the Palestinians' claim and shows that Abbas has been lying about the origins and history of the conflict. Palestinian leaders have rejected partition plans that would have given them much more land for their independent state than the Jews were offered for theirs. Rather than being the innocent victims of a "dispossession" at the hands of the Israelis, the Palestinians rejected reasonable compromises and instead pursued their aim of getting rid of the only Jewish state in the world.

You decide

Debunking the Palestine Lie​

Learn more here:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has launched an international campaign to achieve recognition by the United Nations for an independent Palestinian state. Abbas and his international supporters claim that only Israel (with the United States) stands in the way of this act of historical justice, which would finally bring about peace in the Middle East.

This video debunks the Palestinians' claim and shows that Abbas has been lying about the origins and history of the conflict. Palestinian leaders have rejected partition plans that would have given them much more land for their independent state than the Jews were offered for theirs. Rather than being the innocent victims of a "dispossession" at the hands of the Israelis, the Palestinians rejected reasonable compromises and instead pursued their aim of getting rid of the only Jewish state in the world.

Are you Muslim?
Direct quotes from the Koran.

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5).

"When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads" (Sura 47:4).

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73).

"The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:76).

Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal​

Disclosure made in little-notice status briefing as FOIA litigation advances

Under legal pressure, the National Archives has located 82,000 pages of emails that President Joe Biden sent or received during his vice presidential tenure on three private pseudonym accounts, a total that potentially dwarfs the amount that landed Hillary Clinton in hot water a decade ago, according to a federal court filing released Monday.

The total of Biden private email exchanges was disclosed Monday in a little-noticed status report filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought against the National Archives and Records Administration by the nonprofit public interest law firm the Southeastern Legal Foundation.

The foundation brought the lawsuit seeking access to the emails after Just the News revealed a year ago that Joe Biden had used three pseudonym email accounts --,, and – during the time he served as President Barack Obama’s vice president.

The status report filed Monday in a federal court in Atlanta was the first to provide an estimate of the size and scope of possible government business conducted through Joe Biden’s private email accounts.


When Riley was in 1st grade, they did a grade wide bound book for Mother's Day. So sweet. Still have it.

Each page of the book was a kid who had written why they loved his/her mommy and why she was special. So you get my mommy loves me because she cooks dinner and takes care of me, etc. She loves when I play with my sister without fighting. You get the idea.

My daughter?

How does your mom show her love? I know my mommy loves me because she cooks me chicken fried steak.

What makes your mom special? My mommy is special because she wears fancy panties.

That damn book is still in the school library. 😂 it finally happened and I'm dying laughing.

Y'all know I still post over there. Mainly in the current event say the Israel at war thread to be specific. I've been thread grounded for calling out the asshat mods for deleting posts at their whim and posting their deletions and notifications. However will I survive? Mass deletions of posts going on all over the place for calling out blatant antisemites posting in the thread. Apparently I'm too mean and somehow off topic 😂 I know damn good and well if they could, they would flat out ban me permanently.

I'm free to post in any other thread. Just not that thread for a week.

I feel like I've finally arrived and at the same time kinda insulted. It's not really a ban. It's just half ass temper tantrum pissiness.

Antisemitism is disgusting. It should be called out at every point. Especially when sitting congresswomen who happen to be relatives of known terrorists are given a pass after so casually labeling you and me as Nazis.
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Nat'l Archives was forced to make a disclosure today and its far worse than anybody was letting on prior to now.

Archives now says it has currently located 82,000 pages worth of emails that Joe Biden sent/received while using multiple pseudonyms.

If the Nat'l Archives is at the point they're publicly acknowledging the 82,000 pages of emails?

That means they know the jig is up.

They've given up the ghost.

Its over.

The contents of the emails will be handed over.

They will sink Joe Biden when the House investigators get a look at them.

At least Clinton was using a private email server. What if Biden was so lazy he didn't even bother to do that, he just figured using a fake name to send it over the usual channels was good enough?

I've had so many conversations with my friends who are teachers. One in particular (the Good Lord love her) just can't take a stand on anything. She finally asked (while crying because I wouldn't back down to let her squish her way out of the conversation she started) asked "what am I supposed to do? I don't want to hurt the kids "

My response : Stop the lies. Do not lie to children. In not so many years they will be out in the real world and the real world doesn't care about their feelings. They will have been doubly traumatized that every adult they trusted lied to them. That you lied to them. Just stop.

Thus ended the conversation.

She no longer does the pronoun bs. She has students who identify as whatever and she decided to go with generic address (Y'all southerners know what I mean. What we southern women do when we can't remember your name 😂) when she can't avoid address.

ETA: why won't my twits show up in my posts? I've tried everything I can think of. Somebody help me out.
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EAST FLATBUSH, Brooklyn (WABC) -- Police are investigating after a father and son were fatally shot in an apartment building in Brooklyn -- allegedly by their neighbor fed up with noise.

Authorities say they were found on the fourth floor of the East Flatbush apartment building just after 10:30 p.m. Sunday.

Their downstairs neighbor was apparently fed up with the noise and went upstairs before pulling a gun and shooting them both, police said.

Family members identified the victims as 47-year-old Bladimy Mathurin and his 27-year-old son Chinwai Mode.

Marie Delilles said the downstairs resident was banging on his ceiling and angry about the noise coming from their apartment. She said an argument escalated before the suspect fired nine rounds at the victims, in front of her 10-year-old.

The family, originally from Haiti, downsized from a larger apartment which was an adjustment for Delilles' younger children.

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