Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

1 out of 1,000 times she is right.

I feel as though some of you need a reminder before engaging with this thread.

All the world is a stage.

Step outside the matrix for a minute.

Are you fully engaged? Or being victimized by a psywar?

You were told the news was fake.

You were told patriots were in control.

You were told about the PAUSE.

You are aware of the Great Awakening, in direct conflict of the Great Reset.

You repeat things like "we already won." "God wins." And "WWG1WGA."

But you are still propagating fear even when presented with a logical, well researched alternative to the weoponized fear porn being shoved down your throats.

Did everyone survive Oct 4rth?

Do you believe there was a plan?

Ghost in the machine. Think outside the box. Faith over fear.

NOTHING is what it seams.

Walter will give the military men asylum and they'll join the US Military and get access to the weapons we didn't give Ukraine and use them against us.
I’m out… for at least awhile. Logging out and deleting.

Israel is the line for me.

Dude All Some of Us Are Saying Is That The Jews of Jesus Aren't The Jews Running the Show

In Due Time Jesus The Real Jew Will Return

This Thread Should Show That Sometimes Things Are Not As They Have Been Told to Us For Decades

Hang In Here It Gets Better

Love You Brother You big Ole Boomer-Sooner Son of a Bitch
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Brotha, I’m always going to side with Israel. I would literally go and fight for them if I could.

I’m already talking to a group about going to see the “palestinian terrorists” if they group in DFW.

It’s on as soon as I see them.

Love Your Passion - Wish More Would Rally Against the Invasion of the US by Illegal Aliens Like They Do For a War On the Other Side of the World
The God of Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Jews are His chosen people. Jesus, who is a Jew, will soon return and rule the earth, from Jerusalem. As far as Israel’s border, see what God said to Abraham.

I'm Still Not Getting Why They Are His Chosen People...

If Christianity is the Only Way to Heaven and Chris is the Leader of Christianity

Just Like the New Testament of Christ (Christians) Replaced the Old Testament (Jews)

Can You Scholars Cipher That One for Me

And if These Are the Real Jews Why Would God Let Them Run Hollywood, MSM, Deep State, Child Trafficking, Child Sacrifice, Child Rape

Something Isn't Squaring Up Here

President Trump will be giving a speech at 12 pm EST today in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.

His speech is expected to be about 60-75 minutes.

His speech will focus on how the world has become a destabilized mess full of conflict and war under Joe Biden, and how none of this would have ever happened under President Trump’s administration. #Trump2024

You can watch his speech LIVE here…
I'm Still Not Getting Why They Are His Chosen People...

If Christianity is the Only Way to Heaven and Chris is the Leader of Christianity

Just Like the New Testament of Christ (Christians) Replaced the Old Testament (Jews)

Can You Scholars Cipher That One for Me

And if These Are the Real Jews Why Would God Let Them Run Hollywood, MSM, Deep State, Child Trafficking, Child Sacrifice, Child Rape

Something Isn't Squaring Up Here

1. No one gets salvation outside of Christ. He is the only way.

2. Most Christians believe there will be a great coming to Jesus Christ of the Jews in Israel in the end times.

3. There are evil people in all groups. We should look at them as individuals.

4. We should pray for the salvation of all people.

5. Again, there is no salvation for anyone outside of Christ whether Jew or Gentile.

6. It is clear in this end times that the Antichrist will be against Israel including the Jews who have come to Christ.

Definition of a FALSE FLAG:

A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. The term "false flag" originated in the 16th century as an expression meaning an intentional misrepresentation of someone's allegiance. The term was famously used to describe a ruse in naval warfare whereby a vessel flew the flag of a neutral or enemy country in order to hide its true identity. The tactic was originally used by pirates and privateers to deceive other ships into allowing them to move closer before attacking them. It later was deemed an acceptable practice during naval warfare according to international maritime laws, provided the attacking vessel displayed its true flag once an attack had begun.

The term today extends to include countries that organize attacks on themselves and make the attacks appear to be by enemy nations or terrorists, thus giving the nation that was supposedly attacked a pretext for domestic repression or foreign military aggression. Similarly deceptive activities carried out during peacetime by individuals or nongovernmental organizations have been called false flag operations, but the more common legal term is a "frameup", "stitch up", or "setup".
I've enjoyed this thread.

Do I think there is a cabal of powerful proper? Of course. Are some Jews? Of course.

Do I think the people of Israel deserve this war ? Of course not. Do I think most of them have no idea what the cabal is up to ? Yep. Just like most Americans.

I am more worried about the millions of undocumented terrorists let into the country by Biden. Is it an accident ? Of course not.

There are millions of soft targets in this country that will be targeted if these so called immigrants are coordinated. If they attack at the same time as they did in Israel we will lose a lot of people.

Assuming a one shot, one kill ratio, I have enough ammo to take out ( redacted) of them.

Go stock up on ammo, throw some oil on the old gun collection, and be ready.




Times of Israel, Associated Press and Al-Jazeera are reporting that Egypt warned Israel of a major attack coming from Gaza, but Israeli officials ignored it.

"Egypt cautioned about the situation's escalation, but unfortunately, these warnings were disregarded by Israel."

They were allegedly told 10 days before the attack happened.

Look guys, let’s just agree to disagree on the Jew topic. I have no fucking clue what to believe at this point, but no reason to have good posters @Pineapple leave over it.

It’s pretty simple look at the root & head of just about any evil force on the planet, and see who they are…

How much blood and treasure are we going to continue to waste on bullshit wars around the world that have nothing to do with us.

While at the same time, turning a blind eye to an invasion of our own nation happening right now.

What would our infrastructure, our education system, our veterans way of life, our elderly way of life, the middle class of this country, look like if we didn’t spend billions and trillions on wars and other countries?

Look who runs the MSM, Hollywood, music business.

I’m not saying it’s all people of the Jewish faith, but I’m telling you people of the Jewish faith run all of that shit above, and our country has suffered greatly, for our citizens have suffered greatly for it.

Does the name Weinstein or Epstein come to mind?

Look at all the bureaucrats and advisers on both sides of the aisle pretty much the majority are Jewish.

Here’s one for you, Henry Kissinger, probably the most evil son of a bitch in the world.

We’re not talking about a one off here, it’s more than a trend, it’s more than a pattern.

If you can’t decipher the difference between these Jews, and the Jew, that Jesus was, why are we in this thread?


How many of our congressman and senators have dual citizenship as Israeli citizens?

That sounds like a conflict of interest to me.

I can only imagine the thousands more advisers and bureaucrats that have the same.

Are we America first or Israel first?
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