Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I would never say motherfucker, motherfucker.

I had to drive through NYC yesterday morning and it was terrible. I was afraid for my life on more than one instance during that drive. Far too many people on the roads and even the highways were basically impassable. Adams doesn’t really have a clue.
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Why do you hate the American people so much?

Can’t believe you think the country is in going in the right direction. We’re starting to see signs of collapse under this current WH regime.

Don’t you realize you helped with the big lie on Russia Gate, the Hunter Laptop lie and other well known conspiracies.

But I guess that’s the point. You’re actually one of those MFrs.


@elonmusk thanks for allowing “X” to be a public square to speak out against these frauds that continue to spew hatred and lies.
I had to drive through NYC yesterday morning and it was terrible. I was afraid for my life on more than one instance during that drive. Far too many people on the roads and even the highways were basically impassable. Adams doesn’t really have a clue.
I live here, walk here and take public transit here. Driving is a little different but once you have the hang of merging here it is easy. Very little road rage compared to down South. I’ve felt unsafe maybe 3 times in 25 years. Once in Brooklyn, once in the Bronx and once in Manhattan.

BREAKING: 8th Circuit reverses lower court decision, rules 3-0 in PDE v Linn Mar Community School District (Iowa) that a school may not compel its students to use gender identity-based language as doing so likely violates the 1st and 14th Amendments.

This decision to grant a preliminary injunction is correct. Use of gender identity language should be strictly voluntary. It may not be compelled by government entities.

By the same token, students should not take advantage of the court's ruling and use it as an excuse to harass and be cruel to their peers. The demands of civility go both ways.

Plaintiffs also challenged the school's secret gender transition policy, but a recently passed Iowa law, which requires disclosure to parents, makes this challenge moot, rules the court.

Judge Jane Kelly, an Obama appointee, concurred in the outcome but clarified that the 1st Amendment violation could have been avoided with more careful language (e.g., "respect") by the school board. She points out that the school is under obligation to adopt gender identity "inclusive" policies under state and federal civil rights law.

Judge Kelly is technically correct, but fails to see the significance. Civil rights regulations, as these have evolved under Title IX and similar state laws over the past decade, do indeed violate constitutional rights. Even with language not as broad as that used by the school board in Linn Mar, compelling students who do not subscribe to gender ideology to go along with that ideology in their speech and conduct violates the First Amendment.

Gender ideology must be treated similar to religion in public schools--for it is, in fact, a contested, faith-based system of thought and practice.

^^interesting they won't name the perps...hhhhmmm^^


It wasn't stealing Trump's tax returns that upset the DOJ or the OBiden's. It was exposing their supporter's tax returns.

I'm not upset seeing maggots. I make lots of money spraying them. If someone wants to eat them later--be my guest.

Why does every gov't agency, large or small. need armed police forces?

Build in a flood plane and you get what you get!

Happens in Houston regularly after they paved over all the water absorbing ground in SE Texas.
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