Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Good podcast on varied subjects but the first 30 minutes are on the 12000 year solar cycle and polar shifts.

Richat structure in Africa is thought to be the city of Atlantis by some. But outside the structure is a clear sign of a massive flood that washed over the entire continent.


No federal worker has never not been fully compensated during a govt shutdown, but they whine and complain about the free time off every time it happens.
Seems like everyone gets reimbursed. The agencies that spend wildly and that spending is much of the reason for the shutdowns always get their funding with increases which was the purpose of the shutdown.
Hall's attorney Jeff Weiner, who was in court with him Friday, said that under the deal, his client's record will be wiped clean after he completes probation. The agreement allows Hall to avoid the stress of "living under a serious felony indictment" without knowing when he might go to trial, the attorney told the Associated Press.

"This way, it’s over," Weiner said. "He can sleep well and get on with his life."

I live here, walk here and take public transit here. Driving is a little different but once you have the hang of merging here it is easy. Very little road rage compared to down South. I’ve felt unsafe maybe 3 times in 25 years. Once in Brooklyn, once in the Bronx and once in Manhattan.
I have been in and out that city for 30 plus years and not once did I ever feel unsafe driving until yesterday. My fiancé and I just moved down to Jersey and I’ve been back and forth from our old house in Ct. just a crazy day you guys had yesterday. I also agree, not too much road rage. Not as much as you’d think there would be.
Any son of a bitch that says a government shutdown will cause chaos that the border because border patrol won't get paid is full of fucking shit and ought to be smacked upside the head. The border patrol has not been doing its job for three years and it's not their fault either! they've been ordered not to do their fucking job. They're sitting inside doing fucking paperwork to usher these illegal motherfuckers on into the country, they're not being allowed to guard that border like they're supposed to!! that's why the fucking borders are riddled with damn tunnels now that you could drive a damn tractor and trailer through!! Joe Biden you damn pedophile traitor! I hope you get the justice due you before you die of old fucking age you anti-American piece of shit.
“There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a [continuing resolution]. We’re tired of fucking around with these whack jobs. They voted against it yesterday, so let’s just put up a clean CR,” said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), among those who had repeatedly pushed for the speaker to ignore his right flank.

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