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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 10, 2020

That isn't the only one. There is much worse video. A bunch of Russians in a house surrendered and once they came out the Ukrainians shot them all in the legs repeatedly and let them bleed out.... and then posted the video online to brag about it. People don't understand why Putin is more popular now than he was last spring.... It's because Ukraine is proving to be the huge bag of dildos he said they were.
Jul 1, 2023
Col Macgregor was saying polls in Germany have changed drastically the last month. I think the industrial plants closing and inflation have made them realize this war is a financial loser for them

Maybe MacGregor will finally be right about something?

This war is bigger than Germany. This is about crushing a cancer that has plagued the earth for two millennia.

Germany’s drastic increase in aid supplied recent says MacGregor is a dumbass & traitorous POS.
Jul 1, 2023
That isn't the only one. There is much worse video. A bunch of Russians in a house surrendered and once they came out the Ukrainians shot them all in the legs repeatedly and let them bleed out.... and then posted the video online to brag about it. People don't understand why Putin is more popular now than he was last spring.... It's because Ukraine is proving to be the huge bag of dildos he said they were.

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