So a whole Lotta shit has happened for all of us. Personally and otherwise.
I've checked out a bit. There have been tears and an absolute blast having my husband to myself. We're newlyweds again
Tomorrow, we move Roo to Knoxville...which will take us from empty nesters to holy crap Nobody in the state! We DID IT! They're soaring. Nobody tells you that when your do your job as a parent, it'll break your heart for a second.
Super happy and excited for her. Her ablation seems to be doing what was expected (still not a cure. Couldn't touch the left side, but got the worst 2. She's on a monitor for the next month to get results. And we know she'll be on meds the rest of her liffe. Her biggest concern? Can she have children. Yes. But she's high risk and will be monitored constantly. All she needed to hear was yes. Riley is definitely my child. She wants to be a mommy. However that happens, she and her future husband (who we adore) will make it happen.
(My biggest concern was that she not pass out and hit her head and die because nobody was with her. That concern has been somewhat alleviated).
These amazing humans. It was just yesterday when I had 4 littles following me (or not) and I was just trying to corral them into some semblance of order. We had to go from man to zome. Didn't always work
And now. They're exactly who we raised them to be. Good, strong women and man. We were/are far from perfect. And that's okay. (I mean...I told y'all about the time I beat Max's ass with a wooden spoon...and he stole every one of my wooden spoons in retaliation. HE EARNED THAT ASS WHIPPING

) But we love each other something fierce.
I could not be prouder of who they are.
But I really miss my babies (and they'll never know because that's a me thing. Not something they need to carry. They deserve to live their lives with me moving to a supportive role).
Sidenote: coldest game I've ever attended was olmiss/Bama last year. And I've been to a shitton of Ohio state games where I'm freezing or drowning or both, never been that miserably cold in my life.
Twas brutal. And then Kif, well, Kiffed. I'm not over that yet.