So the blind leading the deaf essentially. Not wanting to pile up on realtors but i probably don’t have to tell you anything you don’t know being in the business.
Really don't understand you unfounded statement above, especially since I was concurring with your view of the average realtor.
There are excellent people and terrible people in every industry. Hell some doctors even graduate last in their class.
But in response to your statement above, actually I've been a Real Estate Broker for 25+ years started right after college. That is a Broker not agent as there is a huge difference in required education and experience between the two.
As a lender I don't practice as a realtor any longer though do keep up with the CE to stay competent.
My undergrad degrees also compliment being in the Real Estate Mortgage Industry. In addition to the 270 hours of required core real estate courses + 18 additional hours of yearly continuing education.
In addition, I am Certified Instructor by the Texas Real Estate Commission to teach Continuing Education classes.
I take my tradecraft very seriously and that is evidenced by a huge database of extremely satisfied clients and a perfect record with every federal and state regulatory agency.
Perhaps you should not make such generalizations prior to knowing someone's education & experience.
You have chosen real estate investing as your industry which gives you a vast amount of knowledge and experience that the average homebuyer does not enjoy.
They may not and most don't have the time or the desire to learn everything needed to get the best price for their home, or are not adept in negotiating etc. For these people which is the vast majority having representation is more efficient.
There are times in a market that a realtor's value is less and some markets where a competent realtor can add a lot of value.
But in either market having a bad realtor has no value - and unfortunately the bad ones far out number the good ones.
Generalizing on any given subject is usually not apropos.
Should we just say why would anyone pay for over-priced bar-b-que especially on a per pound basis?
Nope - that would be ignorant as some bar-b-que places, despite the fact people could do it themselves, do provide value to the consumer, but most do not.
Have an Amazing Day!