No you didn't!!! Too funny!4,1,2,3
Guessing Walensky makes a certain amount of $$ per shot taken. Didn't read the article, yet, but I ma guessing any time you see someone promoting the poison jabs, they are benefiting from it in areas that have nothing to do with Covid.Former CDC Director Walensky Acted Against CDC's Own Advisory Panel To Recommend Covid Booster Shots; House Select Subcommittee Chair Warns It Could Happen Again - Connecticut Centinal
The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic said that former CDC Director Walensky "acted against the CDC's own vaccine advisory panel" when she recommended COVID-19 booster shots for healthy, low-risk
Yep. But his comment didn't come true until his side dominated US politics for a decade.Speech given by a whackadoodle lefty Jeff Daniels
Reminds me of posts from the Gaggle of Faggots.
They both do.She loves BBC
There are a lot of football playing LBs and DTs who wish they were built like Big Mike in the shoulders and a little further south.
I agree....if he stays long enough. Prime Time will bolt for the right NFL job in a second, IMO.Can’t help but think dude is going to bring CU back to being a damned good program
Speech given by a whackadoodle lefty Jeff Daniels
No you didn't!!! Too funny!
Just realized the sun rises in the East too I’m guessing?It's Thursday and like clockwork the price of a gallon of gas went up $0.30 overnight. Happens every Wednesday night. The stations everywhere in my area all raised their prices the same amount. The price will drop 25 cents over the next 7 days. Then, next Wednesday up another 30 cents a gallon.
Autistic peopre have a hard time reading the room. Don’t feer to bad about it, courd happen to any one of us here.I thought about doing the same to fuck with @Pineapple but just couldn’t pull the trigger out of respect and his devotion to family. I made that mistake a few years ago with another poster. His daughter is beautiful, Norte Dame I think, and my comment was how long until “wood” is commented and don’t post your daughter.
I misjudged the board atmosphere and accidentally insulted a good dude