Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
If you - being the Trumpster you are - retweet Tucker's video, everyone who sees your tweet is a view impression. If 50 people retweet, and Trump's twitterbot army would have done it tens of thousands of times, that's 50 different impressions, multiplied by all of their followers who see the tweet. Yet in spite of all those people seeing the tweet, it doesn't mean that even one of them actually watched the video.

🤣 It's comical that you guys think Trump had more viewers than the super bowl, yet when he gives a big campaign speech, he draws a few hundred K on youtube or rumble. RSBN sat down with him recently and had less than 200K viewers. But Tucker, who could not consistently draw 5 million on Fox News, gets on with Trump in a pre-recorded intereview and suddenly has an audience in the hundreds of millions.
That’s not how it works. FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️
Black dude on that live feed is going off. He said that Fani is using Rico in ATL to charge people with crimes that are normally 2 month charges and give them 20 years and take their property (he said she used this on 20 women who cheated on test).... but she'll turn violent men loose with little or no jail time.

Dude just called her some very colorful names that are usually used for Clarence Thomas or Larry Elder. lol.

That’s not how it works. FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️

Certainly is. The only thing that doesn't count as a view is if it were embedded, such as on facebook or here. It's not one view per person, something that should be apparent to anyone who realizes twitter only has 350 million users worldwide, most of whom have no interest in watching a Donald Trump interview or any other politics related interview, and of course many of whom weren't even online last night at 9 eastern.

Worse, Twitter says the avg engagement rate - watching a video, replying, retweeting, etc - is less than 3%. The "Views" include people who never even clicked on the video, just saw the tweet, and in fact, would include some people who didn't even see the tweet. If it went to someone's timeline, that's included in views, and twitter has no way of knowing if the person actually saw the tweet.

Like the Trump campaign as a whole, the 240 million viewers is a mirage. :ROFLMAO:
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The real enemy is Russia
No, the real enemy is antichrist actions, most of which from our government and its people. Understand that.

An excerpt from the US Declaration of Independence:

"......whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within."

The "State" is the people.......chew on that for a minute.
Leonid Schuldman (60): The former Gazprom manager died in January - before the start of the Ukraine war. Schuldman lived in the same residential area of St. Petersburg as Voronov and was found dead in his bathroom. According to the authorities, a suicide note was found next to the body.

Alexander Tyulakov (61): Three weeks after Schuldmann, the deputy director general of Gazprom's finance department died. Tyulakov was found hanged in his home. However, local reporters reported that the victim's body showed signs of trauma. They suggested that the hanging could only be staged.

Valdislav Avayev (51): In April, Russian media reported that the former deputy head of Gazprom Bank first killed his wife and 13-year-old daughter and then himself. Family friends have denied reports that the crime was an act of jealousy.

Sergej Protosenya (55): Only a few days after Avayev, the multi-millionaire Protosenya is said to have killed his wife and daughter with an ax in Spain. The 55-year-old is said to have hanged himself after the crime. Protosenya was the ex-chairman of the Russian energy company Nowatek, in which Gazprom holds 10 percent of the company's shares. As with Avayev, observers doubt the course of the crime.

Andrei Krukovsky (37): The manager of the ski resort Krasnaya Polyana, operated by Gazprom, died in May. The 37-year-old is said to have fallen off a cliff while hiking.

Everyone, but Schuldman, had criticized Putin for his attack on Ukraine. Probably all tragic isolated cases.
Certainly is. The only thing that doesn't count as a view is if it were embedded, such as on facebook or here. It's not one view per person, something that should be apparent to anyone who realizes twitter only has 350 million users worldwide, most of whom have no interest in watching a Donald Trump interview or any other politics related interview, and of course many of whom weren't even online last night at 9 eastern.

Worse, Twitter says the avg engagement rate - watching a video, replying, retweeting, etc - is less than 3%. The "Views" include people who never even clicked on the video, just saw the tweet, and in fact, would include some people who didn't even see the tweet. If it went to someone's timeline, that's included in views, and twitter has no way of knowing if the person actually saw the tweet.

Like the Trump campaign as a whole, the 240 million viewers is a mirage. :ROFLMAO:

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