When you become King, then you can do that. Until then though, you need to respect ALL road users Rights.
You obviously need to watch the vid again. Cyclist was where he was supposed to be and the car passed him to make an illegal left in front of him, but hit the cyclist instead. The driver of the car was 100% in the wrong.
Which is what that guy was doing. Ie: obeying the same rules you are expected to obey when driving.
That sounds like most drivers. Most drivers I see on the road don't follow all the rules either.
As for cyclists running red lights and stop signs go, they shouldn't do that and if they get hit in doing so, I'll be the first to say fuck 'em. They shoulda yielded the Right of way.
Road tax is to pay for the cumulative damage a vehicle causes to the road. Cyclists, if having to pay based on the same cents per pound of vehicle would end up being pocket change. How much damage do you think a bike can cause to the roads?
Here, watch it again. The cyclist was in the correct lane, driver was not. It's illegal to turn from a lane designated as a go-straight lane.
You are obviously an avid cyclist and won’t see it any other way. Regarding motorist paying tax- the tax is for maintenance on roads. However, once the tax is paid they should have a reasonable expectation to drive without constantly having to wait on people blocking the lanes. Again, we n my area many ride side by side, in groups, and don’t really care if they impede traffic. So, they can at least pay to do so…
But we can just agree to disagree. I’m ready to move on from the topic.