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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


We ain't found shit!
Jan 8, 2021
Since the Rules Are Anything Goes ITT or This Board

The Only Solution is The Ignore Feature
Hmmm... I wonder if we can do better than that -- keep the free speech, but better limit / sideline the trolls.


I've got some possible ideas, but they may be more of a future state idea depending on Xenforo's limitations.

1. Since it seems we have had some repeat trolls likely showing up under new handles periodically, any way we can:
  • Validate if user IPs match those of other users?
  • Put a badge on those accounts stating they have multiple accounts
  • Maybe even list their other accounts with badges
2. Since they or other trolls may try and get around this with VPNs or Tor, could those accounts have a badge / flag indicating the use of VPNs or Tor as well?

3. Allow threads to have badge / flag restrictions
  • Users could select the restrictions and limit the selected criteria from contributing / reacting to a new thread
    • Maybe apply retroactively to a thread like this one, where the OP is MIA?
  • This would not stop those restricted from creating other threads on the same topic
  • This would not allow individual users to be targeted, just those who fall into rules-based criteria
It would still allow for free speech, but limit functionality of those trying to troll while covering their tracks. A more honest discourse. More transparency.



Finer Things Club President
Dec 9, 2020
For what it's worth I have had 4 guys who add nothing to this thread on ignore for months. I give zero fucks about what they have to say and I will not waste my time responding to them.
It looks like we are quickly headed to if not already having about 1/4 of the post responding to or insulting the 4.
I can only speak for myself but I believe that is having a real negative effect on this thread and is suppressing its interest by people other than just me.
You misspelled Gaggle of Faggits…


Jan 9, 2021
For what it's worth I have had 4 guys who add nothing to this thread on ignore for months. I give zero fucks about what they have to say and I will not waste my time responding to them.
It looks like we are quickly headed to if not already having about 1/4 of the post responding to or insulting the 4.
I can only speak for myself but I believe that is having a real negative effect on this thread and is suppressing its interest by people other than just me.
Haven’t put anyone on ignore, I just ignore them. At least one is either a paid troll or a psychotic as he’s constant & also I’ve also come across him on Twitter with his obsession/propaganda similar to in here. Seems to be posting around the clock & either doesn’t sleep or it’s a shared handle.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021
Hmmm... I wonder if we can do better than that -- keep the free speech, but better limit / sideline the trolls.


I've got some possible ideas, but they may be more of a future state idea depending on Xenforo's limitations.

1. Since it seems we have had some repeat trolls likely showing up under new handles periodically, any way we can:
  • Validate if user IPs match those of other users?
  • Put a badge on those accounts stating they have multiple accounts
  • Maybe even list their other accounts with badges
2. Since they or other trolls may try and get around this with VPNs or Tor, could those accounts have a badge / flag indicating the use of VPNs or Tor as well?

3. Allow threads to have badge / flag restrictions
  • Users could select the restrictions and limit the selected criteria from contributing / reacting to a new thread
    • Maybe apply retroactively to a thread like this one, where the OP is MIA?
  • This would not stop those restricted from creating other threads on the same topic
  • This would not allow individual users to be targeted, just those who fall into rules-based criteria
It would still allow for free speech, but limit functionality of those trying to troll while covering their tracks. A more honest discourse. More transparency.

Bare minimum.

Make this particular thread for paying members only.

If Fed Bois want to troll, we should at least make them fill out a monthly expense report.


Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020
Bet it's more



Dec 1, 2020
Some of you may be interested in this, you know who you are :cautious:


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