Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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FBI Agent is Exposed for Lying Under Oath to Congress About Knowledge of Hunter Biden Laptop​

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) stated on Monday that FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan provided “false statements” while under oath concerning the Hunter Biden laptop case.

Update : the shredder is on the way. 😂

These frigging not bees are pissing me off something fierce. The tree with the nest is coming down (It's a fucking scrub tree) and there are a couple of women ready and waiting to take out the rest of these assholes. We got guns and electrified rackets.

This is war. And we will win.
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Son started his senior year today. He’s technically done with HS but taking some college credit courses & one elective in first period to be enrolled.

The elective is aquaponics taught by an ag teacher. Said the teacher laid down the law this morning:

“If y’all are gonna be tardy cause you’re buying sausage dogs I like em smoked-not fresh, with mustard. That way you won’t be tardy & I won’t be hungry. “
Max was always late. He made sure he brought enough to share with the class and a coffee for his teacher (who happens to be my best friend and has known him since he was a baby)

The kolaches and Texas donuts he showed up with every couple of months (that I brought back from my visits home. Texas peeps know) was easy insurance. 😂
Update : the shredder is on the way. 😂

These frigging not bees are pissing me off something fierce. The tree with the nest is coming down (It's a fucking scrub tree) and there are a couple of women ready and waiting to take out the rest of these assholes. We got guns and electrified rackets.

This is war. And we will win.
It's wild how easy we are swayed to war with stinging insects. LOL.
It's wild how easy we are swayed to war with stinging insects. LOL.
The flies are happy, They've been given a reprieve. Yellow jackets, wasps and hornets? Fucking suffer and die.

Now, to get the full picture...2 50 year old, badass, hilarious southern (SC and TX) women prowling the pool bar and sniping these assholes. Needless to say, we are the late summer entertainment. I mean we're cool like that. And I had to tell an 8 year old he could not touch/shoot my salt gun....because I'm a responsible gun owner.

Fun fact: we keep ordering guns while we're drinking at the bar. 😂

Ahem...SALT guns. I plead the 5th on anything else we have.
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Son started his senior year today. He’s technically done with HS but taking some college credit courses & one elective in first period to be enrolled.

The elective is aquaponics taught by an ag teacher. Said the teacher laid down the law this morning:

“If y’all are gonna be tardy cause you’re buying sausage dogs I like em smoked-not fresh, with mustard. That way you won’t be tardy & I won’t be hungry. “


How Did I Miss This For Six Fucking Years

It's Been Hiding In Plain Sight

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Pic 2

View attachment 192589

Pic 3


Pic 4


The Secret Service Works In Teams

They Use a Ring Perimeter Theory - Think Castle

There Are Outer Rings of Security

Then There Are Middle Rings of Security

Finally There Is the Inner Ring of Security

Now Follow Me Here

The Outer Ring Are the Snipers aka Over-Watch, Uniformed Cops at Barricades, Drones, Air Assets - They Are There For Perimeter Control and Pick-Off Threats Before They Get to Close

The Middle Ring is Between The Outer Ring and Inner Ring - Their Job is To Return Fire and Neutralize the Threat If POTUS is Attacked

The Inner Ring AKA "Protection Detail" is There to Drape POTUS in Cover and Get Him to the Beast & GTFO

Now Look at the Photos

Pic 1 Everyone Said the JFK Jr Dude With All Of the Same Mannerisms as Jr Was Just Another USSS Agent

But Now Look At Pics 1-4

What You Will See Is That Everyone Close to Trump & The First Family or The "Inner Ring" Has an Identifying SS Lapel Pin That Identifies Them as Part of the Protective Detail

Why do Secret Service agents wear lapel pins?

"As I the other respondents have mentioned its used for ready identification among the team and also can be helpful for the principal(s) and their staff to readily identify protection detail members."

Anyone That Close to the First Family is On That Detail - No One Else Gets That Close

So If That's NOT JFK Jr & He is Literally Next to Melania & Just Another USSS Agent Where's His Pin?

He Forgot It? Bullshit These Guys Don't Make Mistakes - They Run This Drill & Detail Over & Over

They Wouldn't Put a Pin On Him Because If Shit Hit The Fan Mistakes Could be Made

The Lack of the Pin Proves That's Not a USSS Agent?

Only POTUS Could Authorize Someone Being That Close

Someone With a Plan

Someone That Has a Common Enemy
Not sure if it’s Jr. but his hands are plastic and in fixed position. Guessing there’s a fully automatic weapon under there. Also the face looks like a mask.



How Did I Miss This For Six Fucking Years

It's Been Hiding In Plain Sight

Pic 1


Pic 2

View attachment 192589

Pic 3


Pic 4


The Secret Service Works In Teams

They Use a Ring Perimeter Theory - Think Castle

There Are Outer Rings of Security

Then There Are Middle Rings of Security

Finally There Is the Inner Ring of Security

Now Follow Me Here

The Outer Ring Are the Snipers aka Over-Watch, Uniformed Cops at Barricades, Drones, Air Assets - They Are There For Perimeter Control and Pick-Off Threats Before They Get to Close

The Middle Ring is Between The Outer Ring and Inner Ring - Their Job is To Return Fire and Neutralize the Threat If POTUS is Attacked

The Inner Ring AKA "Protection Detail" is There to Drape POTUS in Cover and Get Him to the Beast & GTFO

Now Look at the Photos

Pic 1 Everyone Said the JFK Jr Dude With All Of the Same Mannerisms as Jr Was Just Another USSS Agent

But Now Look At Pics 1-4

What You Will See Is That Everyone Close to Trump & The First Family or The "Inner Ring" Has an Identifying SS Lapel Pin That Identifies Them as Part of the Protective Detail

Why do Secret Service agents wear lapel pins?

"As I the other respondents have mentioned its used for ready identification among the team and also can be helpful for the principal(s) and their staff to readily identify protection detail members."

Anyone That Close to the First Family is On That Detail - No One Else Gets That Close

So If That's NOT JFK Jr & He is Literally Next to Melania & Just Another USSS Agent Where's His Pin?

He Forgot It? Bullshit These Guys Don't Make Mistakes - They Run This Drill & Detail Over & Over

They Wouldn't Put a Pin On Him Because If Shit Hit The Fan Mistakes Could be Made

The Lack of the Pin Proves That's Not a USSS Agent?

Only POTUS Could Authorize Someone Being That Close

Someone With a Plan

Someone That Has a Common Enemy

Why is he holding that fake hand? Thought that was so that he could have his real hand on a weapon.

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