Just gonna leave this here
T sit si pasLike it's spelled
Such an old tired trope and one that has been regurgitated ad nauseam...Thats not true and never has been.
Free speech doesn’t mean that people get to say whatever they want without consequences. For example, yelling fire in a crowded theater can cause great public harm in the same way misinformation & disinformation can cause harm when spread online.
There are legitimate national security concerns & threats posed by social media. If those forms of media are being used as weapons of war by hostile nations (to spread their propaganda) then limiting those weapons is the government’s responsibility.
The government’s first job is to provide security for the nation as a whole then to its individual citizens.
There are reasonable limits on all rights just as The Founding Fathers intended. Another great example would be freedom of speech doesn’t allow people to have sex on the street corner even though those same people would be well within their rights to film it then distribute it online (except to minors).
Such an old tired trope and one that has been regurgitated ad nauseam...
That's NOT what this is about and you know it... unless you are intellectually bereft of knowledge? It certainly is beginning to seem so... either that, or you're here to troll...? A 'polarity responder'?
Here... this link has it all rolled out so you don't have to hunt and peck for it:
Thread by @tracybeanz on Thread Reader App
@tracybeanz: 🚨🚨MEGA THREAD: Order for Temporary Injunction in Missouri v. Biden A landmark censorship case that is turning the unconstitutional actions of our government on their head. I have been reporting on this ...…threadreaderapp.com
We the people do NOT need to be PROTECTED from speech... it's up to us to determine what is factual, not the government.
They're all made of meat. All the problems they introduce into the food supply will be temporary and quickly reversed if they become the food supply.I've argued that with food supply too. They are making it harder and more expensive to grow food and then when we have food shortages they will blame climate change and the answer will be more regulations to make it even harder to grow food.
These people are anti human. I honestly do believe they want to get population below 700 million now. I always thought that was joke but damn.... the actions speak for themselves.
Tracy is doing the heavy lifting...
I would love to see this guys next video after visiting here.Such an old tired trope and one that has been regurgitated ad nauseam...
That's NOT what this is about and you know it... unless you are intellectually bereft of knowledge? It certainly is beginning to seem so... either that, or you're here to troll...? A 'polarity responder'?
Here... this link has it all rolled out so you don't have to hunt and peck for it:
Thread by @tracybeanz on Thread Reader App
@tracybeanz: 🚨🚨MEGA THREAD: Order for Temporary Injunction in Missouri v. Biden A landmark censorship case that is turning the unconstitutional actions of our government on their head. I have been reporting on this ...…threadreaderapp.com
We the people do NOT need to be PROTECTED from speech... it's up to us to determine what is factual, not the government.
South Carolina get your bitch ass fag and bring him to heal
That’s absolutely what this is about.Such an old tired trope and one that has been regurgitated ad nauseam...
That's NOT what this is about and you know it... unless you are intellectually bereft of knowledge? It certainly is beginning to seem so... either that, or you're here to troll...? A 'polarity responder'?
Here... this link has it all rolled out so you don't have to hunt and peck for it:
Thread by @tracybeanz on Thread Reader App
@tracybeanz: 🚨🚨MEGA THREAD: Order for Temporary Injunction in Missouri v. Biden A landmark censorship case that is turning the unconstitutional actions of our government on their head. I have been reporting on this ...…threadreaderapp.com
We the people do NOT need to be PROTECTED from speech... it's up to us to determine what is factual, not the government.
South Carolina get your bitch ass fag and bring him to heal
He did do things while Trump was in. He's still a fag tho.That's another of Team Trump's finest.
Just a reminder for any of your dolt relatives that took the poison….
May they live their best life in a short amount of time they have left here on earth.
It was always designed to take people out after 3 to 5 years.
Their strategy was that it would be so far past the vaccine, that they would have plausible deniability.
Unfortunately, for them, there are a lot of good actually excellent doctors that have pulled back the curtains from the biggest scam ever played on humankind.
The post is brought to you by Karl Marx and George Orwell.That’s absolutely what this is about.
No it’s not up to people to determine what is factual. That’s the government’s job and it’s foundational to our republic.
All three branches of government operate on this principle:
The legislature: creates laws based on facts and circumstances facing the nation. This is why the have subpoena power (to determine facts).
The executive: Executes laws, provides security, and administers the day to day function of government based on facts and data.
The judiciary: Determines how to interpret laws & The Constitution based on facts.
Furthermore, it’s the government’s responsibility to protect citizens from each other. If the government allows misinformation to infect the public sphere without limitation then citizens start physically harming other citizens because they act on that misinformation (vigilante justice, ect).
So we can't get Strzok under oath for his crimes but he can get Trump under oath. Freaking joke man.
Because facts don’t matter to them.I can't conceive of what has gone through your brain that can arrive at the above and still be 100% MAGA. There isn't even the tiniest sliver of logic.
More like The Founding Fathers. They are the ones who designed and ratified said system.The post is brought to you by Karl Marx and George Orwell.