Keeping her from the clutches of the Clintons and other groomers. For now, she knows she has to do their biddingI'd be curious to know what the UN is paying Greta to spew their shit.
Yeah, for sure, , that is more what I meant with her.Liz Cheney was already super rich, or at least her family is. She was doing what she was instructed. Eventually, they all do.
True.His Ice Cream Still Sucks
Just gonna leave this here
I just think it’s funny how much he & posters in this thread have in common.
Herro ferras,
This @Jake Broe Stan is not a fag. All you have to do is watch one of his gay videos and hear that rir sissy risp that he has.
Heeeey guuuuyyssssssshssss wercome
back to my channel.
I figured he was a groomer when he tried to fact check the sound of freedom.
View attachment 187141.
You don’t want this smoke mahda fuka,
I’rr karate chop that big fat fucking head in harf, you mongoroid.
He runs around suggesting that there is no more Bill of Rights in this country, that the government is taking away people’s rights, and supports groomers.He's a communist. I'm guessing he doesn't have much in common with many people ITT.
Olympus Has Fallen...
He runs around suggesting that there is no more Bill of Rights in this country, that the government is taking away people’s rights, and supports groomers.
All of that is stuff people in this thread do too.
The support for groomers (whether it’s Russian orcs or trannies coming for kids) is the part I find most disturbing.
We don't need 'protection' from free speech...
Nothing gets by you!I’m starting to wonder if desantis doesn’t want to run against trump but wants to be in a position to swoop in if trump can’t run sue to legal troubles or other reasons.
but you get the point.
This is where "both sides" is applicable I hate seeing BS like this. Yes, we all believe he's guilty of this - but they edit the video vs. letting it play a few more seconds where he's actually lucid for once and "joking". I hate being manipulated more than anything.