Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Also referred to as the President's Coronavirus Task Force, it was established on January 29, 2020, with Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar as chair. On February 26, 2020, U.S. vice president Mike Pence was named to chair the task force, and Deborah Birx was named the response coordinator.

This is the team trump picked Fauci for you fucking moron. I know reading is hard for you, considering you most likely look like this:
View attachment 183087
Yes that is what I picture you to look like. Gary the retard. I call you penis the retard tho.
Yes he hand picked him.


the thought of that fat fvck running makes me laugh^^

Re: Chicago being declared a public health emergency.

Just put masks on everyone and all will be good.
Or maybe he’s just telling the truth…
He is. Too bad but sometimes thr Truth hurts. Remember the exchanges between Hannity and Kayleigh after thr 2020 election..."do not bring up thr election any longer on Fox". Also...she was the only omission from His Book as well. My wife found that to be odd. Pictures of everything and everyone for 5yeara...and she was left out.

Doesn't even mention powerwashing the shit off the sidewalks.

^^first Deniro, now Pacino

There are different ways of saying things though. For most people that I've talked to over the years, that's their biggest problem with Trump. Not his policies or anything like that, but his immaturity and name calling. A lot of people just can't see past any of that stuff, and will refuse to support him solely due to the nonsense.

I like to point out to these people that he and his entire family have been under constant attack from the progressive left and legacy media since he announced his candidacy, throughout his entire presidency, and well into the years after he left office. They took name calling and fabricating lies out of thin air about the Trump family to levels we have never seen before in American politics. I ask these people who don't like his mean tweets/"name-calling" how they would react in a similar situation if their family was under attack. This typically does the trick in helping them understand his perceived boorish behavior. Unless they are complete pussies in which case we just aren't friends anymore.
There are different ways of saying things though. For most people that I've talked to over the years, that's their biggest problem with Trump. Not his policies or anything like that, but his immaturity and name calling. A lot of people just can't see past any of that stuff, and will refuse to support him solely due to the nonsense.
People need to sack up
The media got Trump the Republican nomination. Then they attacked him continuously. I have a fairly long commute to work, and I heard at least three news segments on the radio daily. EVERY time the news said something bad about Trump. It continued throughout his Presidency. I never understood brain washing until now. People don't just dislike Trump, they hate him to the point of violence. It's not normal.
Trump got to be president when he was going after people who went after him. He has gotten to be a successful private individual based in part because of his public persona. I doubt very sincerely that will ever change with the man. If people who agree with his platform but don't agree with his attitude are willing not to not vote for him based on the way he talks to his detractors, I am not sure hat that says about that person. Do they now vote for democrats? Do they sit out an election because their sensitivities are hurt? I lose respect for people willing to go against everything they believe in because someone was mean to someone on twitter. JMO.
The word for those types...simply CUNTS
I don't know much about it. What's the deal with ethanol?

My major beef is it’s hurting our water supply. Once ethanol was subsidized and the price went up more farmers started growing it and in most places you need irrigation.

The water table at my parents which goes into the ogalala has dropped 50+ feet in 30 years. That’s a shit ton of water. I hate government intervention but Oklahoma and Texas need to start slowing down the ability to drill for irrigation or their going to have California type water problems in west TX and West Ok

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