JFC now we have 3 retards ITTBecause you want to see policies that are important to you actually advanced?
Trump having a normal one.
Or maybe he’s just telling the truth…Is he trying to lose?
It is incredible how much further these twisted people take things. Yes, the Florida legislature and Governor Desantis have made certain aspects of the pride garbage illegal in Florida. Which is a good thing for everyone. The pride homos are still allowed to have a parade and peacefully gather, but you are not allowed to participate in grooming defenseless young children that are not yours to groom in the first place. Don't promote pedophiles and you are fine. Yet here we are with them leaving the state of Florida because of fear? What do they fear, that they are going to be outed as pedophiles?DNyuz - Latest Breaking U.S. News
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Most honest straight forward president we have ever had. But just because something is the truth, does not mean he has to say it.Or maybe he’s just telling the truth…
Ron will melt like butter in the DC heat.DeSantis has compiled a list of unrivaled policy wins for conservatives in Florida. He's shown chops in fighting the battles using the legislature and the powers of his office. He also understands his own positions and can defend them in the courts and the media.
Donald Trump is capable of none of this, and he proved it in his presidency.
Go find out...
There is nothing to indicate that. And if he does it will be feature parity with Trump.Ron will melt like butter in the DC heat.
Shot himself in the head twice with a .38
If you want to believe that
Come find out, Puss Boi.
Yeah to believe this is truly incredible ostrich head in sand workI think at some point people are going to have to acknowledge the possibility that Trump was the architect of his loss in 2020, and not fraud or ballot harvesting. Perhaps rather than because of an intricate and perfectly executed conspiracy to steal the election, he lost because people in key swing states couldn't stand his boorish behavior and society-wrecking policy any longer. There is a path to victory, but too many are stuck in 2016 to see it.
I think at some point people are going to have to acknowledge the possibility that Trump was the architect of his loss in 2020, and not fraud or ballot harvesting. Perhaps rather than because of an intricate and perfectly executed conspiracy to steal the election, he lost because people in key swing states couldn't stand his boorish behavior and society-wrecking policy any longer. There is a path to victory, but too many are stuck in 2016 to see it.
It seems like it a lot of the time. She was one of his people that most supporters actually liked. Reasonable, pretty, well spoken. So yeah, let's start calling her names and picking on her now too. It's like he's a 5 year old.Is he trying to lose?
There are different ways of saying things though. For most people that I've talked to over the years, that's their biggest problem with Trump. Not his policies or anything like that, but his immaturity and name calling. A lot of people just can't see past any of that stuff, and will refuse to support him solely due to the nonsense.Or maybe he’s just telling the truth…
Seems like they are the problem then. Bunch of thin skinned pussies.There are different ways of saying things though. For most people that I've talked to over the years, that's their biggest problem with Trump. Not his policies or anything like that, but his immaturity and name calling. A lot of people just can't see past any of that stuff, and will refuse to support him solely due to the nonsense.
IMO, Ron will do whatever the people backing him now tell him to do. If he gets the nomination and wins the presidency.Ron will melt like butter in the DC heat.