Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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DeSantis has compiled a list of unrivaled policy wins for conservatives in Florida. He's shown chops in fighting the battles using the legislature and the powers of his office. He also understands his own positions and can defend them in the courts and the media.

Donald Trump is capable of none of this, and he proved it in his presidency.
and then desantis caves to disney. Fuck him it is all a show. Trump did get shit done all with a hailstorm of bullshit coming in from all directions.

Do you stand with the "Tits on a Stick" traitor or Trump?

I'm not saying I stand with her at all. Honestly, I haven't followed her story after she left as press secretary, and I probably follow this stuff closer than 90-95% of Americans. So if I had no idea that she said or did some of these things, then neither do 90-95% of the rest of the country.

So when Trump comes out name calling against his former press secretary, yeah, it's a bad look.

All of these politicians, journalists, media members, etc, have their warts. This includes Trump, as we all know. I feel like he would have won, despite the cheating in 2020 if he had just toned down the rhetoric and spoken in a more mature way. You can still say basically the same thing, but clean up the delivery of it and people would respond differently to his criticisms.
It is really weak. You do not have to personally like someone to support thier politics. That is leftist type crap.
I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying what I've seen. Unfortunately, we do have too many people that have lived easy lives, and are way too easily offended.

So my question is this. Would you rather lose the election because you pushed away too many people with your name calling? Or win the election by changing your phrasing a bit, which results in fewer people disliking you?

Do you stand with the "Tits on a Stick" traitor or Trump?

But ask yourself this. Will calling Kayleigh names improve his chances at being re-elected or hurt his chances. I love Trump. He is the guy we need. But there is certain things he should not say from now until election day. And I feel like name calling the face of his presidency is not something he should not have done. Staying focused on the real issues has always been his biggest downfall. He just cant help himself sometimes.
Nor do I. Call her out, but do it in the right way. Although, at this point, it may not matter. Most people have their minds made up already on Trump, one way or the other.
I get that and you and I agree that it is a better way but This is who Trump is and always has been. He really hasn't changed at all in the 40 years he has been in the limelight. Which is why I do not call him to task for the way he goes after people. I expect it.
There are different ways of saying things though. For most people that I've talked to over the years, that's their biggest problem with Trump. Not his policies or anything like that, but his immaturity and name calling. A lot of people just can't see past any of that stuff, and will refuse to support him solely due to the nonsense.
Instead, they will vote for the career politicians that tell you what you want to hear and never do any of it...Fuck that thinking...or lack of.
But if you're trying to win an election that's going to be close, you need these people.
They're not going to vote for Maga, they despise Maga, they're being exposed the longer this plays out. They got rich off Maga but that doesn't mean they support America first.
Most likely they voted for Biden in 2020.
There's a video in the twitter thread of trump with Charlie rose discussing loyalty.

I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying what I've seen. Unfortunately, we do have too many people that have lived easy lives, and are way too easily offended.

So my question is this. Would you rather lose the election because you pushed away too many people with your name calling? Or win the election by changing your phrasing a bit, which results in fewer people disliking you?
Trump got to be president when he was going after people who went after him. He has gotten to be a successful private individual based in part because of his public persona. I doubt very sincerely that will ever change with the man. If people who agree with his platform but don't agree with his attitude are willing not to not vote for him based on the way he talks to his detractors, I am not sure hat that says about that person. Do they now vote for democrats? Do they sit out an election because their sensitivities are hurt? I lose respect for people willing to go against everything they believe in because someone was mean to someone on twitter. JMO.
Instead, they will vote for the career politicians that tell you what you want to hear and never do any of it...Fuck that thinking...or lack of.
Agreed, it's short sighted.

The other option is they just won't vote. Last election, I convinced my in laws who are life long union democrats to not vote for the D candidate. Unfortunately, due to Trumps personality, they wouldn't go so far as to vote for him, but instead, voted 3rd party. So yeah, it was sort of a win in that they didn't vote D, but they also didn't vote for Trump. They're certainly not the only ones.

What the hell os Russia offering? Protection from hitmen?
They're not going to vote for Maga, they despise Maga, they're being exposed the longer this plays out. They got rich off Maga but that doesn't mean they support America first.
Most likely they voted for Biden in 2020.
There's a video in the twitter thread of trump with Charlie rose discussing loyalty.
I'm not sure I agree with this. I think the MAGA message could very well be a winning philosophy. It should be since we're constantly in debt and sending so much money overseas, while ignoring our own infrastructure, veterans, etc. If you put out the message in the right way, and stop giving people a reason NOT to follow you, I think it would gain more traction.

I think loyalty is a cop out. If people are loyal to the D's after seeing what Biden and crew are doing, that's idiotic. Same for the pubs. If you're loyal to a particular party, or even a person, and not using any critical thinking, you're doing what the politicians want you to do.
Trump got to be president when he was going after people who went after him. He has gotten to be a successful private individual based in part because of his public persona. I doubt very sincerely that will ever change with the man. If people who agree with his platform but don't agree with his attitude are willing not to not vote for him based on the way he talks to his detractors, I am not sure hat that says about that person. Do they now vote for democrats? Do they sit out an election because their sensitivities are hurt? I lose respect for people willing to go against everything they believe in because someone was mean to someone on twitter. JMO.
He's a smart guy, that's been a schmuck pretty much his whole life. I've known people that worked for him and they've said the same thing. Most of these megalomaniacs and multi billionaires are the same though, so that's not surprising. And I'm not suggesting that he has to totally change his personality. We know that's not going to happen. I'm talking about tweaking his phrasing a bit to come across as less childish. That shouldn't be too hard.

And to your second part, yeah, unfortunately a lot of people will continue to vote D for several reasons. Most of which are they either have done it their whole lives, and don't pay much attention, or more likely they only watch MSNBC, CNN, etc, and they're told how great of shape the country is in under Biden.

If the country is relatively split between R's and D's, then losing 5% on the R side, or adding strong feelings on the D side (against Trump) will certainly affect the outcome. So whether we lose respect for these people or not doesn't matter. I care more about the future of the country than the feelings of these other people or my respect for them.
The fucking mental gymnastics it took to write this article boggles the mind. This is the deep state psychology up in the works. Whites aren’t killing people like blacks and Hispanics, so let’s invent a new term— Hispanic white supremacist.

The problem is most MSNBC/CNN (and those that take it hook, line and sinker from liberal print media) watchers are dumb enough to believe it.
I think at some point people are going to have to acknowledge the possibility that Trump was the architect of his loss in 2020, and not fraud or ballot harvesting. Perhaps rather than because of an intricate and perfectly executed conspiracy to steal the election, he lost because people in key swing states couldn't stand his boorish behavior and society-wrecking policy any longer. There is a path to victory, but too many are stuck in 2016 to see it.
Trump won by more than 35 million votes and he won well over 400 electoral votes and now you are such a liberal jerk that you are suggesting he did not win. You won't convince me, LIb.

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