Welp, he did it.

Not only did my not so little boy graduate, he also won his bet with me. $1000 he wouldn't drink before he graduated. (It's a story that's hilarious and, at the same time, tells you all you need to know about Max. He never bows to pressure and keeps his word. And he wanted to win that bet) And, yes, his friends would have delighted in ratting him out over the years if he as much dipped his tongue into a drink, so I know he won it fair and square.
Last night, I handed him his money and a beer. The after grad party was here. )the official grad party was Monday night. Had over 300 people show up to everybody's shock but mine. I tried to tell them )
It was a great party (both) Everybody has been waiting for him to throw THE party (his sister was well known for the parties

) Police and neighbors were given a heads up, parking was handled, nobody got out of hand ( because, frankly, the kids know the rules and I'll shut everything down if they break them).
A good time was had by all.
And I get to claim 100% success. 4 humans raised to truly great young adults.
Stella is wiped out. She is not professional party level.
Tats, parties, beer, and cigars. Hell of a celebration.
(all the kids got sibling tats, but I'm not posting the girls . '17'. His # and his sisters' bdays. He wears 17 for them
