Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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^^I think they mean Obama^^

Deagle a US Military Contractor made these population projections some years back.
All the countries that forced the jab have a die off.

I posted the original projections but it has been rabbit holed on the internet hard to find now if at all.

I am way behind but Charlie Robinson on his Macroagressions podcast has an excellent episode back in August entitled “Where did all the people go?”. In it he explains who Deagel is and what they provide for the DoD. Speculation being smaller white populations are easier to control leaving blacks and browns to harvest the natural resources on their continents needed for the next 100 years. It was his most watched episode to date.
I am way behind but Charlie Robinson on his Macroagressions podcast has an excellent episode back in August entitled “Where did all the people go?”. In it he explains who Deagel is and what they provide for the DoD. Speculation being smaller white populations are easier to control leaving blacks and browns to harvest the natural resources on their continents needed for the next 100 years. It was his most watched episode to date.
Will look that up thanks.
Why does America care what Taiwan does? It belongs to China by International agreement. As far as I now it was never US territory. It was a part of China under the Quing Dynasty until the Chinese Civil War in 1949. Not the USA
Actually Taiwan was part of the Japanese Empire. China and Japan waged war in 1895 over Korea. Japan won. The treaty for that war ceded Taiwan to Japan but China refused to recognize it although most nations did.

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