Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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^^and a guess it might be white Dems who were the racists


But of course, just don't accidently mis gender a freak or jail time

^^so the speaker of the house's husband, a tech billionaire and the fire commish all attacked and nothing to see here^^

Here are the names TX. These "CON-servatives" need dealt with.

Reps. Steve Allison, Trent Ashby, Ernest Bailes, Keith Bell, DeWayne Burns, Travis Clardy, Drew Darby, Charlie Geren, Justina Holland, Kyle Kacal, Ken King, John Kuempel, Stan Lambert, Brooks Landgraf, Andy Murr, Angelia Orr, Four Price, John Raney, Glenn Rogers, Hugh Shine, Reggie Smith, David Spiller and Gary VanDeaver.

The 10 Republicans who voted “present,” were Reps. Brad Buckley, David Cook, Mano DeAyala, Frederick Frazier, Cody Harris, John Lujan, Shelby Slawson, Kronda Thimesch, and Ed Thompson.
More eff bee eye corruption

And a look into the reasons that those in power are in favor of the police state we are headed toward

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Here are the names TX. These "CON-servatives" need dealt with.

Reps. Steve Allison, Trent Ashby, Ernest Bailes, Keith Bell, DeWayne Burns, Travis Clardy, Drew Darby, Charlie Geren, Justina Holland, Kyle Kacal, Ken King, John Kuempel, Stan Lambert, Brooks Landgraf, Andy Murr, Angelia Orr, Four Price, John Raney, Glenn Rogers, Hugh Shine, Reggie Smith, David Spiller and Gary VanDeaver.

The 10 Republicans who voted “present,” were Reps. Brad Buckley, David Cook, Mano DeAyala, Frederick Frazier, Cody Harris, John Lujan, Shelby Slawson, Kronda Thimesch, and Ed Thompson.

One of these 10 went to high school with me and we are also fraternity brothers.

I supported him and have referred him business in the past.

He will be getting a phone call from me 30+ years of friendship be damned.

That’s a pussy ass move and I’m going to call him out on it.

I’m literally going to ask him who got to him?

Once I have the conversation, I will post it.
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Goddammit my dad is yelling at the top of his lungs, that I'm a conspiracy the fuck do I un FOXnews him?
All you can do is show him where FOXNews has erred or refused to show evidence of the conspiracies. That's not showing him the tweets but give him the web sites/articles the tweets reference. I've found many of the tweets don't match the guts of the articles they reference.

For instance, someone posted about Switzerland moving away from electric cars. When you search you find that they are only temporarily going away due to the current European energy crisis. Most of us know it will only get worse but they are true believers otherwise they wouldn't hold Davos yearly and surround the WEFers with 6,000 troops.
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