Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Trust Kansas?

You're homey is pussy dick-sucking rat-bastard that got fucked in the ass by the midget Ukrainian dictator.

Stick with the Wizard of Oz

That's all you got in Kans ASS
The fact that HE is the one over there meeting with them should tell you something. Not a Biden admin person. Devolution.

But if you want to pull the home state bullshit we could go to town on the Texas faggotry lately.
"He did everything he could", no, he didn't. BS people like you repeat because you have no real answers when confronted with the results and decisions made in Trump's first term. He gave the deep-state much of their agenda, and got very little in return. For all those judges he gave Mitch McConnell, he couldn't extract the Wall in exchange? For giving Paul Ryan his tax plan, how did he not get election reform as a quid pro quo? While he was busy duking it out with the deep state, he had time to ban bump stocks. He had time to meet with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and let a bunch of criminals out of jail, but no time to truly reform a single gov't agency, let alone shut any down. Worst of all, the vax. A bunch of half-wits and na'er do wells on a message board knew to avoid the killshot like it was the Black Death, yet Trump didn't. That alone tips the scales forever against him.

You're hopelessly brainwashed. You can't reasonably and intelligently defend Trump, you just lean on your "deep state!!!" crutch having nothing else, just as the blue-hairs on the street can't give any explanation why they hate him. I can stack the deck 1000 cards high with one swampy, bad decision after another that Trump made, while you're still believing he'll do all the things he's saying, even though he already had 4 years to do them and didn't. Brainwashed.

I’m neither a half wit nor a na’er do well, thank you very much.
What happened?
TitleMax parent company, TMX Finance Corporate Services, has disclosed a data breach that exposed the personal information of nearly five million individuals. The information was accessed over almost two weeks, and includes names and birthdates, as well as driver’s license and Social Security numbers. If exploited, cybercriminals can use this information to commit identity theft.
unfortunately this all talk from McCarthy. Debt ceiling showdown needs to include defunding large parts of the deep state but that will not happen.

I think the GOP selfishly wants this to drag out as much as possible because in their eyes it hurts Trump (which is what they really care about) and they can campaign (i.e. Lie to you) on fighting back. McCarthy has enough evidence to impeach Biden tomorrow and he has the video evidence to prove Jan 6th was a setup, but he continues to do nothing, which is what anyone with a brain knew he would do if he was made speaker. Corruption is never going to call out corruption.

‪Where do these brainwashed morons come up with this shit?

What am I missing?

Cohen testified he made the payment without Trump knowing. The SEC said there was nothing to see. Then Avennatti and Stormy decided to sue. Stormy now owes Trump $500k plus she has to pay almost an additional $122k to cover Trump’s legal fees. ‬

Best Have Your Thinking Cap On If You Come At The King. Fat Alvin is gonna not like what Trump does to him.
Every single one of the 34 stacked counts are contingent upon some federal violation of election law that the FEC and DOJ refused to pursue. Yet, nothing is cited.

The courts have already determined that campaign funds can be used to avoid potentially embarrassing personal information (John Edwards case). Using personal funds, or campaign funds to avoid potentially embarrassing information, is not a campaign finance violation.

But wait, it gets better…. or worse, if you dislike Trump.

Every single one of the 34 instances when business records were “falsified” to conceal payments to Trump legal counsel, Michael Cohen, happened between February 2017 and October 2017. Guess what President Trump was NOT doing within the Trump organization in 2017, running it!

When Donald J. Trump won the November 2016 presidential election, he subsequently divested from the Trump organization, handing over control to Eric Trump and the company officers and directors.

Throughout 2017, presumably when these false business records (they are not) were created, President Donald J. Trump was not directing any accounting, disbursements or business record keeping within the organization.

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