Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Big election loss in Wisconsin. Elections are completely meaningless now in several states and you can add Wisconsin to states like Arizona.

Soros dumped millions and millions into that race she bombed the airways with ads etc.

Yeah that is a huge blow.

Don’t know how a Republican candidate can ever have a real shot at winning WI again. A state that is needed to get to 270.

Elections no longer matter. They’re fixed 100% in key races like this.
Interesting 5 minutes regarding the next pandemic already in the works

Watched it, very concerning, however I watched another vid of his and he is claiming to be in contact with non humans giving him intel.

Not saying it’s impossible, but seems very unlikely.

Regardless, the evil criminals of mankind no doubt will use another pandemic to crush us. Don’t need aliens to tell me this 😉
I went to Kennedy space center for a field trip last month. We took the bus ride out to the Apollo control room. Very cool. But the video on the bus ride took less than one minute to brag the next moon mission would land the first woman and person of color on the moon. We weren’t there 10 minutes before we heard that.
The next ‘moon landing’ will be much better better than the 1st. With cgi and all.
You do not deserve the privilege of being a Tennessean. You should move to New York or New Jersey or somewhere you could share your values and be accepted.

You're one of the brainwashed sorts, I suspect. Like every other Trump worshiper, you can't dispute any of the facts, so you start with the insults, totally ignorant that it is Trump who does not share your values.

Those nasty little things called facts. When your eyes are open they overshadow blowhard campaign speeches.
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Regarding the Bannon article. Watch for more demos of new weapons out in the open. Signaling is at a all time high right now

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