Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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‪Where do these brainwashed morons come up with this shit?

What am I missing?

Cohen testified he made the payment without Trump knowing. The SEC said there was nothing to see. Then Avennatti and Stormy decided to sue. Stormy now owes Trump $500k plus she has to pay almost an additional $122k to cover Trump’s legal fees. ‬

These are the same brainwashed people who believed everything Fauci, the CDC, the FDA and their MDs said about the Death Jab...and many still rush down for the next installment.
Big election loss in Wisconsin. Elections are completely meaningless now in several states and you can add Wisconsin to states like Arizona.

This horseshit talking point about being outspent is garbage. It doesn't matter how much money the crazy leftists spend, they have their super base of morons. Right folk aren't choosing their vote on how much fucking money a candidate gets or spends. It's another case of stolen election guaranfuckingteed. Elections are meaningless. Only way out is through war.
Personally, I don’t know anyone that “worships” Donald Trump. I think people enjoyed having a President who worked for their interests.
Exactly. I know several Trump voters - not Trump worshipers. We’ve been demoralized as a populace that our voting standards have been dropped to the point where we’re just looking for people who we think won’t immediately screw us over.
We're you aware that the POTUS isn't a King and cannot simply undo 100 years of evil with the stroke of a pen?
Their take is so incredibly bizarre. Those guys had no idea what or how deep the deep state was until Trump. Now they are saying he should have done all these things like it was as simple as them wearing name tags. Or that he was empowered to just do whatever like a king. Then they stretch to hes part of the swamp bc of it. also brought on a bunch of bad people and he should have penned this out before.. Wonder who they would like to see in place of Trump. LaLa land
If a judge goes against dems/deep state they will be enemies of the state. They might protest your house all night, dox your family, making your life miserable. This will be either supported or ignored by the vast majority of media. :(

An Arkansas judge had the opportunity to open Hunter Biden's finances for the world to see...but chose to shield them.
“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world.”

I’ve heard Trump acknowledge who Jesus is on several occasions. I think there are those who would like to dissuade Trump’s supporters by suggesting that he could be the Antichrist...and that is the actual spirit of the Antichrist in my opinion.

And further left of the lesbian Beetlejuice

The "when we're done" comment implies that we've started something. Clocks ticking. We better get busy. June is right around the corner.
I truly believe something is definitely happening behind the scenes or else we would’ve never seen this retarded indictment take place. I think these people are scared shitless of what is going on.


"He did everything he could", no, he didn't. BS people like you repeat because you have no real answers when confronted with the results and decisions made in Trump's first term. He gave the deep-state much of their agenda, and got very little in return. For all those judges he gave Mitch McConnell, he couldn't extract the Wall in exchange? For giving Paul Ryan his tax plan, how did he not get election reform as a quid pro quo? While he was busy duking it out with the deep state, he had time to ban bump stocks. He had time to meet with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and let a bunch of criminals out of jail, but no time to truly reform a single gov't agency, let alone shut any down. Worst of all, the vax. A bunch of half-wits and na'er do wells on a message board knew to avoid the killshot like it was the Black Death, yet Trump didn't. That alone tips the scales forever against him.

You're hopelessly brainwashed. You can't reasonably and intelligently defend Trump, you just lean on your "deep state!!!" crutch having nothing else, just as the blue-hairs on the street can't give any explanation why they hate him. I can stack the deck 1000 cards high with one swampy, bad decision after another that Trump made, while you're still believing he'll do all the things he's saying, even though he already had 4 years to do them and didn't. Brainwashed.
Even after all of that, he was still the best president in my lifetime. I don’t count Reagan because I don’t remember it.

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