Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Woke white women F@#king up yet another thing. Same story, different day.

It started with voting...

Then next it was driving...

Then that wasn't enough...

So we let them work in corporate America

Not only have they fucked up all of the above

Now they want to have a dick

Time to draw the line and reign this shit in before they want to fart in public


‪Where do these brainwashed morons come up with this shit?

What am I missing?

Cohen testified he made the payment without Trump knowing. The SEC said there was nothing to see. Then Avennatti and Stormy decided to sue. Stormy now owes Trump $500k plus she has to pay almost an additional $122k to cover Trump’s legal fees. ‬

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