Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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You can’t prove God exists. It’s not possible. Don’t argue that. Admit it.

My discussion point is always this -

I ask them if they are familiar with the Higgs-Boson. Commonly known as the “God Particle”. They proposed the particle in 1964. It wasn’t proven until 2012 when a boson was measured at CERN by the large hadron collider at a weight of +/- 126GeV.

My question is always, why did physicists, some of the smartest people alive, believe in something they could not prove for over 50 years? The reply is always the same - well, although they couldn’t prove it existed, they could see its presence in matter. They knew it had to exist.

God is like that for us. Personally, I can’t prove to you God exists. I can look back and see His existence in my life. Anecdotal evidence? Perhaps. But, inexplicable events… I don’t believe in coincidence.

Then I ask them if they are familiar with the “spider in the room” theory. It’s a theory that posits - if I tell you there is a spider in the room you are in and you can see it… it is proven true. If it isn’t visible then you must search for it. If you haven’t found God - how much research have you done to prove He does/doesn’t exist? Don’t tell me “I feel that”, because you can’t even get a high school diploma without doing the work. Your feelings are irrelevant. Do the research.

Lastly, the issue of Jesus. Research Him. Secular Roman Historians wrote about Him. Lee Stroebel - The Case for Christ. Michael Behe - Irreducible Complexity. Dietrich Bonhoeffer - read his story. Cory Tin Boom - read her story. And one last book - The Creator and the Cosmos by Hugh Ross. Read all that and tell me your thoughts then.

We definitely need to get this DFW get together on the books. I say this with all honesty and sincerity… I have felt this for a long time now… your comments over the history of this thread (and I’ve read every page) on God, raising children and living life/being a father in our current world have my interest piqued. I believe you have a ton of wisdom and I cannot wait to share a drink with you.
We definitely need to get this DFW get together on the books. I say this with all honesty and sincerity… I have felt this for a long time now… your comments over the history of this thread (and I’ve read every page) on God, raising children and living life/being a father in our current world have my interest piqued. I believe you have a ton of wisdom and I cannot wait to share a drink with you.
I’m always down to meet/discuss. I appreciate your kind words… even to a Sooner.

Sooooooooo, you should lick it??
He needs to be on the debate stage.

He’s officially got my vote. I’ve seen social media damn near take my daughter to some very dark places that she might not have recovered from. Lucky for her she’s got a family that pulled her out in time, but too many kids don’t have that help. As much as I love Trump I don’t think he’s willing to fight fire with fire in the culture war.


^^the callous way the trans are reacting to the killing of 9 year olds is a sure sign they will be looking for more kills, with the media and Left prodding them on with the "it's not their fault" bullshit




^^no shit^^


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