Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Get out of banks and into hard assets. This time will be worse than 2008 Crisis. USD Collapse is very close.

Hugo Stinnes became the richest man in Germany in the German collapse. He borrowed money valued in the collapsing of German Mark. And earned his money in assets held outside Germany to pay off debts and consolidate his business.

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He’s officially got my vote. I’ve seen social media damn near take my daughter to some very dark places that she might not have recovered from. Lucky for her she’s got a family that pulled her out in time, but too many kids don’t have that help. As much as I love Trump I don’t think he’s willing to fight fire with fire in the culture war.
Ever considered that he’s a plant to take votes away from Trump to get their boy Desantis in?
We definitely need to get this DFW get together on the books. I say this with all honesty and sincerity… I have felt this for a long time now… your comments over the history of this thread (and I’ve read every page) on God, raising children and living life/being a father in our current world have my interest piqued. I believe you have a ton of wisdom and I cannot wait to share a drink with you.

He’s living proof that God loves sinners Sooners too 😘

Messing with you brother can’t wait to meet you shake your hand and give your big ass a hug (no homo/no trans)

Much love!

Haven't looked into it but fully expect the classic easily debunked debunking info released to throw people off the trail....but maybe they are that "sloppy"

know I'm crazy but I think basically all of these events are produced/induced/scripted

That is not to say real people don't die but I think you know what I mean
You mean like this stuff? Mother of Highland Parker survivor just so happens to be right next to this school when it happens and takes center stage with the media.




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