Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Lots of lawn mowing and janitorial jobs being created.
Missouri is getting it done. More states need to be cutting taxes around the country.

Just more for OBiden to take.

and he's one of the New World order leaders. He falls, Trudeau may be next.

With so many of our good cops moved on, ours would probably side with Antifa under orders
It's why so many military age Chinese and Muslims are being escorted into the country. They will comprise Obama's national police force.
So this TikTok thing. I don’t get it. Our government bends the knee to China on everything. Why are we playing tough guy on this? For optics just to be able to point to something we are going after? Trump said tik tok was bad. Why then is the Biden admin agreeing? Something is off there. I know my boy Hawley is hawkish on it, but something doesn’t smell right.
Tic Toc distributes information that the govt does not want you to know. They control almost all sources of info. They don’t control tic toc.
If American Women would take care of themselves - not eat like a Defensive Tackle - workout - and look like this Hottie does at 60 - the divorce rate would plummet in the USA.

Happy Birthday Kathy!

Oh yea BTW she's also the most successful Super-Model ever Net Worth $520 Million with a Yearly Salary of $41 Million

So fucking hot SI is going to put her back on the cover which is better than the "Fat-Asses" they've recently had.





Just as a Reference Point - This One is Only 26

Paris is Burning. The news is heavily censored. Yesterday Greek news outlets said 3.5M in the streets. And the Police and Firemen were starting to back down. Hundreds of Police and Firemen injured.
Talk of Civil War as the French are not having it, it is Nation wide now.

This guy is probably a manufactured candidate, or an unserious one, but he's the only one of the so-called candidates that makes me want to vote for him.
I agree with you. I have been turning that corner as well. I have enjoyed what he is saying and promoting. He is saying everything that he needs to. Then again so didn't a few others that have run for president under the guise of a conservative.
What a Fool............

White House: Meeting of China-Russia ‘Marriage’ Shows They Know ‘American Leadership’ ‘Is Back’​

Kirby is approaching jean Pierre status as a bumbling fkn idiot.

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