Who ever over ruled him should have to empty bed pans in a VA the rest of his career. And work in Vet rehab. Helping wounded vets. So he knows who he serves.
Can you repost the link? Must have missed that one.Look him up on the website I posted and see how much money he gets from Big Pharma.
And Fuck Him - He WAS Your Friend Now He is a TRAITOR
Interesting. Thoughts?
Search for you doctor hereDid you do the search on him from a link posted here a few months ago to find out how much he gets paid by big pharma? I did on my doctor and plan to ask about it at my upcoming annual physical. I’m sure I’ll be looking for a new doctor the next day.
Last year when presented with the option of getting the Covid vax I asked about the potential pulmonary effects and was told the risks to the pulmonary system were far greater from getting Covid. My doctor knows I am a national-level triathlete with a physical profile of a 22 year old. This year’s session is going to be a blast!
See above.Can you repost the link? Must have missed that one.
Over 30 gun control bills introduced since the shooting at MSU.
Mine got 2300 in food and beverage in 99 payments. looks like food provided for the office and lunches/dinners. I'm good with hob nobbing. Didn't seem to impair her decision making by my estimation. SKOL!Search for you doctor here
Yes, yes they did.@TheRealJohnCooper - I’m probably wrong, but weren’t there some blm cop hating faggots on here saying all cops are fascist? And denied that a lot of good cops quit during the blm riots?
She was on Biden Covid Vaccine transition team. Pushed it as hard as anyoneHoly shit. She was married to Grant Wahl who died in Qatar
He will just say something like..."move on man..its over with" "The data is solid. Fuuuck YouPretty much every doctor I know or went to believed in the nonsense as well. I tried to have a discussion with a friend of mine that is a Dr. about Ivermectin, and he wanted nothing to do with it. He played the whole trust the science thing, even when there was no science on it. I'll have to have that conversation again, now that more data has been coming out.
Makes a lot of sense and her husband was a cuck soccer journoShe was on Biden Covid Vaccine transition team. Pushed it as hard as anyone
This mother fucker is a FED.It's only going to get clearer the ole don is prince globalist.....everyone itt should know this by now
They would bomb Ukraine if it meant more money for them.Will Brain Dead Biden Approve Illegal Cluster Bombs For Ukraine?
Η Ουκρανία ζήτησε τις αμερικανικές βόμβες διασποράς CBU-100 – Θέλουν ν
Το Κίεβο φαίνεται ότι ζητάει από τις ΗΠΑ την προμήθεια πυρομαχικών και πιο συγκεκριμένα βόμβες διασποράς τύπου CBU-100, γνωστές και
Great doctor for years on all of the typical things my wife and I have needed a generalist for over the years. But this Covid shit has exposed the dark underbelly of the system and our doc got caught up. I mainly just need an annual physical and blood work done for a work-related health program that pays a nice bonus each year if you complete it. Might as well have some fun now because I can get that shit from anyone if we have a “break up.”The only reason to return is to take a shit in his office.
Why would you trust this dumb-fuck with your life/health?
I've lost several. It happpens..they'll will come aroundI attempted to have this conversation with one of my best friends who is an infectious disease doctor at the Houston hospital that's been in the news quite a bit the past couple of years for mandating the jab. 30+ year friendship. I stood in his wedding and he stood in mine kind of thing. High school. College roommates. Brothers from another mother.
Last week when the news broke about Dr. Mary Bowden rejecting the Texas Medical Boards "punishment" they tried to levy against her, I finally broke the ice on the subject with him. He called her a quack who was promoting unproven methods
Wanting to get a baseline understanding for what a quack doctor is in his eyes, I asked if Fauci, Birx and Wolensky fit the definition. The conversation went south quickly. He had no leg to stand on except calling Bowden a quack and telling me he knows what he's talking about because it's science and that's kind of his thing. Sound familiar?
I told him that if Bowden is a quack, then Fauci is evil. That was the end of the conversation. Not sure I'll ever speak with him again he is so dug into the propaganda.
Interesting side note, given I've always had an interest in geopolitics, I heard about the China virus in late 2019 well before most people had. I reached out to him about it, asking if I should be concerned. He howled laughing at me and asked if I had survived the bird and swine flu scares, completely diminishing what I was asking him about. Then the propaganda took hold. About 3 weeks later I got a text from him in a full body hazmat suit at the hospital telling me not to leave my house until I heard more details from him regarding what this virus was all about. The propaganda grabbed him and sucked him in and I'm afraid I'm losing a cherished friendship over the Wuhan Flu. It sucks.
This took more people to pull off then it does to make a kartrashian presentable after getting out of bed in the morning.With or without the basketball on his neck?
Post link again if you can. GO EERSDid you do the search on him from a link posted here a few months ago to find out how much he gets paid by big pharma? I did on my doctor and plan to ask about it at my upcoming annual physical. I’m sure I’ll be looking for a new doctor the next day.
Last year when presented with the option of getting the Covid vax I asked about the potential pulmonary effects and was told the risks to the pulmonary system were far greater from getting Covid. My doctor knows I am a national-level triathlete with a physical profile of a 22 year old. This year’s session is going to be a blast!
Mine got 2300 in food and beverage in 99 payments. looks like food provided for the office and lunches/dinners. I'm good with hob nobbing. Didn't seem to impair her decision making by my estimation. SKOL!
Rock Chalk. You guys looked good tonight. Self owns Huggy, so I’m glad we are playing you instead of that schizo Tech team.Post link again if you can. GO EERS
It's only going to get clearer the ole don is prince globalist.....everyone itt should know this by now
That video is stupid. Trump isn’t trying to concentrate population. He’s wanting to spread it out with new cities based on traditional American values. Trump supports new cities based on what made our great cities great in their founding. He wants more cities taking away the dominance of the shitty blue metros.I finally got around to this video which is one man's opinion. He states that DJT supports 15min cities which is just a guess. Others have posed this same narrative. My question is why would one support 15min cities and also support flying cars?
Search for you doctor here