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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
My email response to that bastard...

Mr Tillis,

Just as I suspected, you are actively involved in the criminal coverup of what actually happened on January 6. “We the People” of the United States deserve to see every second of that footage to make our own decision on what actually happened. We don’t trust any of you. In your own words, it really is “bullshit” that you are covering up what actually happened to serve your own interests...The Truth is on your doorstep. What a complete and utter disgrace and failure you have, over and over, proven to be to the State of North Carolina and it’s people.

Randy Rollyson
Clayton, NC
Sent him this, this morning...

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Mr Tillis, what are the ramifications of not abiding by this oath? It’s actually quite serious....


Dec 1, 2020

Alaska prepares for Biden to deny Willow project: This is ‘the end of oil in America’​

Alaska prepares for Biden to deny Willow project: This is ‘the end of oil in America’

As Alaska labor and political leaders plead with President Biden to approve America’s largest pending oil and gas project in his final deciding moments, the state’s governor revealed he’s expecting the White House to turn it down.

"We're preparing for them to deny this," Gov. Mike Dunleavy said on "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" Tuesday. "And it's sad to say that, but their idea of a compromise, apparently, is to allow only two drilling pads for this oil play called Willow, about 180,000 barrels per day at peak, instead of the three or more that really the investors, ConocoPhillips, need to have to make this thing work for everybody."

The Willow project – currently the largest pending oil and gas plan in the U.S. – is a proposal by ConocoPhillips to develop energy resources in a small portion of what’s known as the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska on Alaska’s North Slope.

Alaska’s AFI-CIO labor union president pointed out on "Fox & Friends First" earlier that decades’ worth of oil is available in Alaska, noting Willow creates approximately 2,500 construction jobs. Estimates also show that between $8 to $17 billion of potential federal revenue would be generated.

"It's an unfortunate game that's being played between the White House, the extremists, and environmentalists that got him there and, unfortunately, the people of Alaska in this country," Dunleavy said. "We're preparing, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst."



Nov 27, 2021
Reading several articles & checking out a few video reports on this. The consensus explanation is that Perth went from a 99.996 purity to a 99.992 purity, which is still a four nines or .9999, which is how it's advertised. So, yes they reduced the purity by a fraction of a fraction, but are still providing the advertised purity and still within industry standards. Per what I've seen.
OK so they switched to the SGE which has a higher purity standard than the Australian exchange. So maybe China stirring shit like you said.


Dec 1, 2020

Alaska prepares for Biden to deny Willow project: This is ‘the end of oil in America’​

Alaska prepares for Biden to deny Willow project: This is ‘the end of oil in America’

As Alaska labor and political leaders plead with President Biden to approve America’s largest pending oil and gas project in his final deciding moments, the state’s governor revealed he’s expecting the White House to turn it down.

"We're preparing for them to deny this," Gov. Mike Dunleavy said on "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" Tuesday. "And it's sad to say that, but their idea of a compromise, apparently, is to allow only two drilling pads for this oil play called Willow, about 180,000 barrels per day at peak, instead of the three or more that really the investors, ConocoPhillips, need to have to make this thing work for everybody."

The Willow project – currently the largest pending oil and gas plan in the U.S. – is a proposal by ConocoPhillips to develop energy resources in a small portion of what’s known as the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska on Alaska’s North Slope.

Alaska’s AFI-CIO labor union president pointed out on "Fox & Friends First" earlier that decades’ worth of oil is available in Alaska, noting Willow creates approximately 2,500 construction jobs. Estimates also show that between $8 to $17 billion of potential federal revenue would be generated.

"It's an unfortunate game that's being played between the White House, the extremists, and environmentalists that got him there and, unfortunately, the people of Alaska in this country," Dunleavy said. "We're preparing, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst."

I am so sick of the federal government's dictates. These cocksuckers are killing Alaska and the country's energy independence and I don't hear the fucking cavalry coming. The time is drawing near. SKOL!
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Nov 27, 2021
Sent him this, this morning...

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Mr Tillis, what are the ramifications of not abiding by this oath? It’s actually quite serious....
Unfortunately America has fallen on evil times.
We can not vote our way out. As fast as you kill one snake 3 more crawl out of the weeds.
Jan 8, 2021
I would certainly say Jeb likes him because he his not Trump. DeSantis appears to be very far from being an “establishment” politician. Between giving the middle finger to Disney, all of his efforts to combat anything that is woke, to his handling of the state during the Chyna Virus, all of these point to him not being establishment.

But is he buyable?


Dec 1, 2020
We need a news show that reports only facts. No opinions, no color commentary, no emotional reactions, no Left or Right, just 24 hours of presenting stories with video and photo evidence.
Too late, he's gone



Jan 9, 2021
Something to consider for those here who have been bashing Trump lately. He's the best option we've got at the moment.

I am one that is critical of Trump, as I have been since he was only a real estate guy in NYC decades ago. One that was actively contributing to the Clintons and other democrats. With that being said, just because of being critical, it doesn't take away your point above. I can see that and commend the man for it (and many other things he has actually fought for) I just wont ever act like a liberal and support someone no matter what when I do not agree with their take on something. Nor should anyone else.


Jan 8, 2021
Reading several articles & checking out a few video reports on this. The consensus explanation is that Perth went from a 99.996 purity to a 99.992 purity, which is still a four nines or .9999, which is how it's advertised. So, yes they reduced the purity by a fraction of a fraction, but are still providing the advertised purity and still within industry standards. Per what I've seen.
Just proves math is not a strong trait of the complainers.


Dec 1, 2020




Nov 27, 2021


Dec 1, 2020


Had to really read the article to see if Georgia US or Georgia Europe when I saw police tear-gassing protestors. :rolleyes:


Dec 1, 2020



Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021

Alaska prepares for Biden to deny Willow project: This is ‘the end of oil in America’​

Alaska prepares for Biden to deny Willow project: This is ‘the end of oil in America’

As Alaska labor and political leaders plead with President Biden to approve America’s largest pending oil and gas project in his final deciding moments, the state’s governor revealed he’s expecting the White House to turn it down.

"We're preparing for them to deny this," Gov. Mike Dunleavy said on "Cavuto: Coast to Coast" Tuesday. "And it's sad to say that, but their idea of a compromise, apparently, is to allow only two drilling pads for this oil play called Willow, about 180,000 barrels per day at peak, instead of the three or more that really the investors, ConocoPhillips, need to have to make this thing work for everybody."

The Willow project – currently the largest pending oil and gas plan in the U.S. – is a proposal by ConocoPhillips to develop energy resources in a small portion of what’s known as the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska on Alaska’s North Slope.

Alaska’s AFI-CIO labor union president pointed out on "Fox & Friends First" earlier that decades’ worth of oil is available in Alaska, noting Willow creates approximately 2,500 construction jobs. Estimates also show that between $8 to $17 billion of potential federal revenue would be generated.

"It's an unfortunate game that's being played between the White House, the extremists, and environmentalists that got him there and, unfortunately, the people of Alaska in this country," Dunleavy said. "We're preparing, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst."

They should just start drilling anyway. Ignore any fines that are fed imposed and nullify the power of the feds. Dare them to bring in troops and enforce it. This, THIS is how I know state governors are not serious about any fucking thing! They will not usurp an obviously unconstitutional administrative ruling.


Dec 1, 2020
They should just start drilling anyway. Ignore any fines that are fed imposed and nullify the power of the feds. Dare them to bring in troops and enforce it. This, THIS is how I know state governors are not serious about any fucking thing! They will not usurp an obviously unconstitutional administrative ruling.
Our gubnah is 6'8" and has no spine. It's weird for someone so tall. SKOL!


Dec 1, 2020

Redfield is trying to cover his ass. Seems they are starting to eat their own. Fucker was all about the stupid mandates and the clot shot. Scumbag with a doctorate. IT WAS NOT A LEAK BTW!! Any doctors in here believe in masks, mandates, and the jabs? I thought there was one in here at one time. Love to hear his views on our current moronic medical system. SKOL!
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Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Redfield is trying to cover his ass. Seems they are starting to eat their own. Fucker was all about the stupid mandates and the clot shot. Scumbag with a doctorate. IT WAS NOT A LEAK!! Any doctors in here believe in masks, mandates, and the jabs? I thought there was one in here at one time. Love to hear his views on our current moronic medical system. SKOL!
Isn’t @Phillip McKraken an MD?


Dec 1, 2020
Did he back the jab and mandates? I know my doctor was the only one in Anchorage or AK for that matter that went against the narrative. She had a hand in bringing Dr. Malone up for a discussion on the jab and lockdowns. Seems a majority of our medical professionals went along to get along and even get paid handsomely to propagate the big lie. It is reflected in a whopping 72% of Americans having no faith in the medical community. Wild times.
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Jan 8, 2021
Redfield is trying to cover his ass. Seems they are starting to eat their own. Fucker was all about the stupid mandates and the clot shot. Scumbag with a doctorate. IT WAS NOT A LEAK!! Any doctors in here believe in masks, mandates, and the jabs? I thought there was one in here at one time. Love to hear his views on our current moronic medical system. SKOL!

I've never backed anything thats happened relating to Covid. Not the masks, the mandates, the lockdowns, nothing. I was one of only a handful of docs in West Texas that would prescribe the FLCCC protocol to people with Covid (I'm an Oral Surgeon, so wayyyyyyy outta my lane). Got in lots of hot water with the hospital boards (they didn't want me stepping on their federal money by speaking out). Last straw was a group of us hosting and bringing out Dr McCullough to speak. THAT was not met with a lot of open-mindedness in the medical community. I'm so disgusted with my own profession, I can hardly stomach it

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