Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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...and I might add that I was very athletic in my younger days and was called some pretty ugly things by people who were a darker color than me on the athletic fields and courts. I guess some folks get away with that with the excuse of “that’s just trash talk” when we do it. When I was a kid growing up in the late 60’s, my Dad told me a story about a black friend that he had in Huntington, WV where he worked. He worked at a local hardware store. There was a lot of rioting going on in the area...and particularly on 16th Street, (Now renamed Hal Greer Boulevard) One day, my Dad asked his friend what was going on over on 16th Street. I’ll never forget what the man said to my father...”Mr Dale, it ain’t us good colored folks who are causing all the problems. It’s those damn “insert N word.” My Dad told me...”Son, they come in everes Siry color...”

I’ve always judged people by how they treated me and by their character...I’ve really never had a problem getting along with “any” person who is of good character. I grew up among poor people. I’ve never forgotten where I came from.

...and if you’re going to get salty with someone, don’t get offended if their salt is saltier than yours.
Yes Sir you won the internet today. That is exactly how I am.
One day the wife an I were in a Walmart in Springfield MO.
Luckily for the big black pos it was a wide aisle. He decided to crowd us almost into the shelving. We were bothering absolutely no one.
My wife got scared he was a big man. She crowded in behind me.
If he would have raised his hand he wold have got a one way trip my hand was already on my EDC 6 rounds in the face and its a one way trip. Nobody was laying a hand to my wife.
Speak out and get investigated.

EXCLUSIVE: California AG Initiates Investigation into Sheriff Who Called Out Governor Newsom’s Policies that Led to the Deaths of Two of His Deputies Last Month​

Pedo Joe is waiting for Obama to give him the thumbs up or down.

When you can openly steal the election with the help of the RINO's and Mitch. WTF you could run your dog and win.
America ain't that shining Beacon on the Hill that Reagan talked about anymore. Her cherry been popped.
Yes Sir you won the internet today. That is exactly how I am.
One day the wife an I were in a Walmart in Springfield MO.
Luckily for the big black pos it was a wide aisle. He decided to crowd us almost into the shelving. We were bothering absolutely no one.
My wife got scared he was a big man. She crowded in behind me.
If he would have raised his hand he wold have got a one way trip my hand was already on my EDC 6 rounds in the face and its a one way trip. Nobody was laying a hand to my wife.
You live in Springfield?

For someone who keeps screaming he can't breathe he certainly was breathing a bunch in order to yell like that.
Speak out and get investigated.

EXCLUSIVE: California AG Initiates Investigation into Sheriff Who Called Out Governor Newsom’s Policies that Led to the Deaths of Two of His Deputies Last Month​

More proof that the majority of police are great humans and will not stand for corruption.
More proof that the majority of police are great humans and will not stand for corruption.
In general, yes. I agree. I would ask this though, how many times is the corruption of cops caught by other cops? Seems to me that the police departments mostly run investigations when the transgressions are brought to light by outside entities and are forced to do so. I could be off on that, and therealjohncooper can shed more of an informed light on that if I am.
Well looks like NATO and Biden blinked. They will throw the Coke Head Mayor of Kiev Zelinsky under the bus after all.
NATO and US calling for negotiations with Russia and partition of Ukraine.
Russia will not do this I do not think. They will go all the way to Poland ow and not accept piece meal crumbs.
They have the hammer Ukraine is finished.
Hungary wants Transcarpathia, which was part of Hungary up until WW2, Poland wants Galicia which was part of Poland until ww2 almost all the land as far east as Kiev. Russia will take Transnistria and Odessa all the way to the Donbas, all the coast.
Ukraine will be left a rump. With 500,000 KIA and wounded.
What in the Handful of Fs are you talking about? Youre like a Retarded Q. The Q that was eating Glue Sticks and crayons. This post is one of the best yet. Can you verbalize what youre trying to say?
Ok babe let's try this. Warp speed don was the bait for jan 6th...conquering invincible hero don did not drop the ball and miss the trap being set on his supporters....he was essential to the plot

No wall, do draining, more war, more beauracracy and a huge leap into the bio medical security. His presidency was a massive step back for the American people.....he is a snake, controlled op, a puppet of the enemy......but then again he does show up to "east Palestine" for a photo op

the trump defense will only get more and more people knew that in 2016 and decades before, I saw it in 2021.....we all need to see it now. You do not want wage a battle in an army led by a general committed to the other side's program.....

Enjoy the weekend scar. Read something, anything....improve....make it interesting. I don't expect any serious opinion from you and the fellas, but don't be a bore

Catturd ™


With every war going all the way back to Vietnam, the press has been heavily integrated with the troops and there's thousands of hours of live video footage.
In Ukraine, nothing. We get no footage, no detailed updates, no graphs explaining how the war is going, who has control of what land, etc. All we get is Biden fake air raid sirens and one famous actor or politician a day happily prancing around Kiev with Zelenskyy with no helmets or body protection offering him 100s of billion of dollars. Or, Zelenskyy jet setting around the world to walk red carpets, get praised by the global elite, and pose for national magazine covers.
If you question this - you're called a Putin puppet. We taxpaying citizens are sick and damn tired of these blatant lies from these evil, globalist worms. Call us whatever names you want - we know bullshit when we see it.
I guess. I’m sick and tired of the BS. You wanna stop being stereotyped? Stop doing stereotypical shit. They will forever remain on the Democratic plantation
And you think throwing around the N word is going to help "win" your argument?

One way to stop the use of oil & gas is to destroy the infrastructure needed to refine it into gasoline.

Silly me, I'm thinking sabotage and small bands of saboteurs going around burning stuff. Still not one video tape showing the start of these fires and explosions anywhere in the world.
Yah and over 200 food processing and manufacturing facilities burned down as well. not one video, not one charge of arson all a big mystery.
I think it is WEFers just my 2 cents. They have thousands of them.
Or maybe some of the 2M Chinese spy's Trump reported about

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