Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Absolutely. By his comments and replies on this page HiddenLakes thinks he’s so much better than cincinatus, but really they’re both the same person.
You have a right to your opinion just like everyone else on this board but you are completely and unequivocally incorrect. The fact of the matter is that I am nothing like Cincinnati. I have my faults just like everyone else and I have the ability to learn from those mistakes on a daily basis. @Pineapple , was able to articulate things and make me reflect on what I had said.
I guess. I’m sick and tired of the BS. You wanna stop being stereotyped? Stop doing stereotypical shit. They will forever remain on the Democratic plantation
There are lots of terms that have been used against me, a white boy from rural West Virginia, every bit as nasty as we have been told that particular term is, but nobody gets crucified for using any term but that particular one. I’m not sure I’ve ever understood that logic. Language...
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I thought that was a meme of Kevin McCarthy. That dog is ugry.
Man where you learn to speak Hinglish. Years ago I had a landline like everybody else.
I used to get annoying phone calls all the time soliciting for this and that.
One day I had a few drinks.
And the calls started. So I pretended to be a local Chinese restaurant.
Ring, Ring. Ha row, dis Wing's Res rant. What you like.
I have chickky ball sweet sour and China fried rice. You like.
You no like. You have passport I trade chicktty China for passport.

Incredible but sometimes they would hang up and call back.
There are lots of terms that have been used against me, a white boy from rural West Virginia, every bit as nasty as we have been told that particular term is, but nobody gets crucified for using any term but that particular one. I’m not sure I’ve ever understood that logic. Language...
I kinda agree with you here. But because I don't own this site and appreciate it all you included. I try to behave. Very hard some days but I endeavor to persevere.
And yah call me white trash or some other derogatory name and you gonna get it back.

Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
There are lots of terms that have been used against me, a white boy from rural West Virginia, every bit as nasty as we have been told that particular term is, but nobody gets crucified for using any term but that particular one. I’m not sure I’ve ever understood that logic. Language...
Taking a step further and peel back the actual definition of that term and pretty much fits the people depicted in those videos.
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I kinda agree with you here. But because I don't own this site and appreciate it all you included. I try to behave. Very hard some days but I endeavor to persevere.
And yah call me white trash or some other derogatory name and you gonna get it back.

Whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
...and I might add that I was very athletic in my younger days and was called some pretty ugly things by people who were a darker color than me on the athletic fields and courts. I guess some folks get away with that with the excuse of “that’s just trash talk” when we do it. When I was a kid growing up in the late 60’s, my Dad told me a story about a black friend that he had in Huntington, WV where he worked. He worked at a local hardware store. There was a lot of rioting going on in the area...and particularly on 16th Street, (Now renamed Hal Greer Boulevard) One day, my Dad asked his friend what was going on over on 16th Street. I’ll never forget what the man said to my father...”Mr Dale, it ain’t us good colored folks who are causing all the problems. It’s those damn “insert N word.” My Dad told me...”Son, they come in every color...”

I’ve always judged people by how they treated me and by their character...I’ve really never had a problem getting along with “any” person who is of good character. I grew up among poor people. I’ve never forgotten where I came from.

...and if you’re going to get salty with someone, don’t get offended if their salt is saltier than yours.
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I'd be more worried about the clap or aids than getting anything from the jab. Remember you can get a primo price for your seed. Get that info upfront. You already know she's a bit crazy and probably a lib.
She’s definitely a little wild, but no libs get thru the initial conversation with me lol. Sadly, 7-8 years ago I wouldn’t have cared...anyone claiming lib gang these days is not someone I want to be around. I’m more worried about my future kids being fucked because momma is poisoned.
Take her out one time to quiz her on how loony she is about the Jab. That conversation may be enough to drop her.
I quiz em right away lol. She’s in the two doses and done with it camp, so at least not a covid nut job. Just wish I could find someone who immediately saw right thru that shit.
…and the loopholes only available to those with a payroll full of tax attorneys.
Lots of these taxes and fees are at the whim of the person at SSA, Medicare or other agency you are talking with.

My Mom sold her farm 2 years ago, clearly a capital gain. SSA increased her Medicare premium significantly last year calling her capital gain ordinary income. This was while SSA was locked down and would not allow face to face communications. They refused to budge even after submitting forms to waive the increase.

A friend had the same experience but was able to meet in person before the lock down. The SSA person simply pushed a button on his computer and the increase was removed.

A relative took money out of his retirement account to buy a house. SSA called that ordinary income and tried to raise his Medicare taxes. It was reversed as the money was repaid to his retirement account upon selling their old home although he paid a penalty for withdrawing the funds.

The two who got the increase reversed saw the same person. My Mom dealt with someone else.
She’s definitely a little wild, but no libs get thru the initial conversation with me lol. Sadly, 7-8 years ago I wouldn’t have cared...anyone claiming lib gang these days is not someone I want to be around. I’m more worried about my future kids being fucked because momma is poisoned.

I quiz em right away lol. She’s in the two doses and done with it camp, so at least not a covid nut job. Just wish I could find someone who immediately saw right thru that shit.
I thought this was like a dating situation. If you think you might have kids with her then think twice unless you want one of these
She’s definitely a little wild, but no libs get thru the initial conversation with me lol. Sadly, 7-8 years ago I wouldn’t have cared...anyone claiming lib gang these days is not someone I want to be around. I’m more worried about my future kids being fucked because momma is poisoned.

I quiz em right away lol. She’s in the two doses and done with it camp, so at least not a covid nut job. Just wish I could find someone who immediately saw right thru that shit.
It's been my observation that those who got only the two initial jabs and not any boosters have remained fairly normal. Those who have gone further and taken the 3rd, 4th or more boosters are the ones who #diedsuddenly or have medical issues.
There are lots of terms that have been used against me, a white boy from rural West Virginia, every bit as nasty as we have been told that particular term is, but nobody gets crucified for using any term but that particular one. I’m not sure I’ve ever understood that logic. Language...
Rainbow/Push coalition back in the 70’s and 80’s started it all and would protest/shakedown every place of business where ever the word was heard. They won’t stop until it’s a crime to say it.
It's been my observation that those who got only the two initial jabs and not any boosters have remained fairly normal. Those who have gone further and taken the 3rd, 4th or more boosters are the ones who #diedsuddenly or have medical issues.
Agreed. My folks did the two and done, and are completely fine. Seems like enough time has passed for the poison to leave the system...hopefully 🤞
Another factor is that there are bad lots of all the different shots which cause more bad outcomes than other lots. Also, some facilities were sloppy with shot storage, mostly temps. This leads to sterilization of the jab.

It's been my observation that those who got only the two initial jabs and not any boosters have remained fairly normal. Those who have gone further and taken the 3rd, 4th or more boosters are the ones who #diedsuddenly or have medical issues.

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