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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Trump was so wise to the deep state that he filled most of his cabinet, department appointments, his VP, virtually every spot in his admin with them.
Shut up jack ass you had no idea of anything besides the broad brush statement that the corruption was everywhere. We all did. Trump helped expose how deep it was. You had a slight idea how deep it was like all of us. you had no idea who Mike Pence was or is. The group of you are like my worst employees. The group that works the worst but already knows everything. You actually know the least and what you might have slight knowledge of your not even fully correct.

Your the employee that thinks they know better then the boss.

I suppose youre to simple minded to realize that Trump had to operate with in a certain set of boundaries and feel his way through,, while half exposed themselves. You see thats what you don get bc your what business owners call "takers" you dont produce, you take. How it works is you give a persona some rope and they expose who they really are. Trumps 1st term was exactly what I hoped and wanted it to be. his 2nd term was going to be the cleansing. Structure and reality escapes you bc you are so simple. I bet you are a really good monday morning QB and know how it should be done better then everybody. Yet you collect a pay check and do not sign them.

Let me guess. As soon as Trump took office he should have arrested Hilary and Bill. then Obama and burned it all down within the first year? Or else hes deep stat. And Fuck ups like you will ruin it. If we were having the conservation in person Id probably smack you across the face 1 or 2 times bc youre so dense.


Nov 27, 2021
Did not do 5 minutes in jail not bad for a mass murderer worse than Charlie Manson.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Shut up jack ass you had no idea of anything besides the broad brush statement that the corruption was everywhere. We all did. Trump helped expose how deep it was. You had a slight idea how deep it was like all of us. you had no idea who Mike Pence was or is. The group of you are like my worst employees. The group that works the worst but already knows everything. You actually know the least and what you might have slight knowledge of your not even fully correct.

Your the employee that thinks they know better then the boss.

I suppose youre to simple minded to realize that Trump had to operate with in a certain set of boundaries and feel his way through,, while half exposed themselves. You see thats what you don get bc your what business owners call "takers" you dont produce, you take. How it works is you give a persona some rope and they expose who they really are. Trumps 1st term was exactly what I hoped and wanted it to be. his 2nd term was going to be the cleansing. Structure and reality escapes you bc you are so simple. I bet you are a really good monday morning QB and know how it should be done better then everybody. Yet you collect a pay check and do not sign them.

Let me guess. As soon as Trump took office he should have arrested Hilary and Bill. then Obama and burned it all down within the first year? Or else hes deep stat. And Fuck ups like you will ruin it. If we were having the conservation in person Id probably smack you across the face 1 or 2 times bc youre so dense.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
You Are Not Forgotten.
President Trumps speech in East Palestine

Come on man hes deep stat and doesnt care about people. Didnt you see who he filled his cabinet with all deep staters. Hes one of them. These guys know, and have known. They knew Trump was part of it all. You can tell how they attack him and try so hard to keep him out of ever running again. Its all part of their plan. Those guys know


Jan 15, 2021
Come on man hes deep stat and doesnt care about people. Didnt you see who he filled his cabinet with all deep staters. Hes one of them. These guys know, and have known. They knew Trump was part of it all. You can tell how they attack him and try so hard to keep him out of ever running again. Its all part of their plan. Those guys know
I’m convinced that they are paid to post


Jan 9, 2021

Buttigieg called Trump's visit to East Palestine a ‘publicity stunt.’​

In unrelated news here is a picture of Pete unloading his bike from an SUV and then peddling it less than a mile to his destination for a photo op about climate change


Who on here would not love to stomp a mudhole in this little pompous cocksucker's ass and then wade it fucking dry?
They at least could of provided buttplug a pink safety vest.


Jan 8, 2021
I'm sure this great thread has already posted it, but in case. 2 Hour video. Dude says he has worked with the Global Shadow Gov. Explains Tesla, Mockingbird, UFO, Energy, Assassinations, on n on n on...basically everything we have already covered in this thread but still some very great info and discusses it so nonchalantly that he is either a great actor/liar or he is 100% speaking the truth.

FYI, you can listen to this like a podcast...you don't have to watch for any reason. so if capable, put in headphones and just listen to it while you are working. Good stuff.
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Nov 27, 2021
Yes of course they are. This began at the fall of the USSR with Bill Clinton who took the advice of Brezinski, Carters old advisor.
Brezinski was Ukrainian and hated Russians.
This is the root of the Ukrainian War.
Each President since has followed the same rut. Instead of welcoming Russia into Europe as a business partner, the west continued the same course as if the USSR still existed..
When in fact it had bee defeated.
Even today the UK/USA/EU live under the fantasy that the USSR still exists.
The Russian monster they are facing now was created by the USA/UK/EU/NATO vested interests along with the MIC who have all been bought by companies that produce weapons of war.
They own the Pentagon and the Politicians.

When the USSR fell the west had an opportunity to expand and increase wealth and trade. They chose wrong and have forged an alliance between Russian and China that they can not defeat economically or Militarily. Very short sighted very stupid.



Nov 27, 2021
Come on man hes deep stat and doesnt care about people. Didnt you see who he filled his cabinet with all deep staters. Hes one of them. These guys know, and have known. They knew Trump was part of it all. You can tell how they attack him and try so hard to keep him out of ever running again. Its all part of their plan. Those guys know
OK ENVOL ha ha ha ha


Jan 8, 2021
Those of us in Texas have known about the Aggie Cult for decades. Paying homage to dead dogs, grabbing their nuts in unison in public, glory holes, campus looks like a concrete prison, milkmen as yell leaders, alma mater attacks another university and much more.

Anybody seen any connections with the jabs and pink eye? I’m hearing about it going around more than I ever have in my area, and also heard Jon Anik saying on his podcast that his family has it right now.
More and more of these issues will surface as the death jab destroys the immune system.


Dec 1, 2020
Those of us in Texas have known about the Aggie Cult for decades. Paying homage to dead dogs, grabbing their nuts in unison in public, glory holes, campus looks like a concrete prison, milkmen as yell leaders, alma mater attacks another university and much more.

More and more of these issues will surface as the death jab destroys the immune system.


Jan 8, 2021
Shut up jack ass you had no idea of anything besides the broad brush statement that the corruption was everywhere. We all did. Trump helped expose how deep it was. You had a slight idea how deep it was like all of us. you had no idea who Mike Pence was or is. The group of you are like my worst employees. The group that works the worst but already knows everything. You actually know the least and what you might have slight knowledge of your not even fully correct.

Your the employee that thinks they know better then the boss.

I suppose youre to simple minded to realize that Trump had to operate with in a certain set of boundaries and feel his way through,, while half exposed themselves. You see thats what you don get bc your what business owners call "takers" you dont produce, you take. How it works is you give a persona some rope and they expose who they really are. Trumps 1st term was exactly what I hoped and wanted it to be. his 2nd term was going to be the cleansing. Structure and reality escapes you bc you are so simple. I bet you are a really good monday morning QB and know how it should be done better then everybody. Yet you collect a pay check and do not sign them.

Let me guess. As soon as Trump took office he should have arrested Hilary and Bill. then Obama and burned it all down within the first year? Or else hes deep stat. And Fuck ups like you will ruin it. If we were having the conservation in person Id probably smack you across the face 1 or 2 times bc youre so dense.

Total inability to be objective about Trump.

Good call. I guess I am the employee who thought he knew better than the boss. That's why I quit my previous job and started my own company. Are you the employee who takes everything the boss tells you as gospel? Would sure seem to fit based on your desperate defense of Trump.

Trump failed in his first term. Virtually everything he accomplished has been reversed or swept away. His "boundaries" dictated that he put deep stater after deep stater in office? That's absurd. You should be embarrassed for typing it. Did Trump show everyone how deep the deep state was? Perhaps his failure has, because Trump himself made no serious effort to attack the DS, at least not until near the end of his term when it was too late. A 2nd term for Trump is predicated on the fact that he "learned" from first term mistakes, but has there ever been a person who appeared to learn less and would stubbornly refuse to change? (Surely his recent support of Lindsay Graham, Ronna Romney, and Kevin McCarthy shows how he's learned and changed....)

Support Donald to the hilt, continue to be his fan, being a supporter doesn't quite define your devotion to him. To do so, you'll need to emulate Trump himself, use a lot of name calling and cursing. OTOH, I will do what little I can to oppose the man who - 2 years after the fact - still pushes the killshot, even calls it his own. If we had no other reason, that alone shows just how unfit for the office the man is.
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Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Anybody seen any connections with the jabs and pink eye? I’m hearing about it going around more than I ever have in my area, and also heard Jon Anik saying on his podcast that his family has it right now.
Conjunctivitis spreads easily and I would imagine infects those with weakened immune systems more readily. Heard that the jab weakens the immune system. 🤔


Dec 1, 2020


Jan 8, 2021
I'm sure this great thread has already posted it, but in case. 2 Hour video. Dude says he has worked with the Global Shadow Gov. Explains Tesla, Mockingbird, UFO, Energy, Assassinations, on n on n on...basically everything we have already covered in this thread but still some very great info and discusses it so nonchalantly that he is either a great actor/liar or he is 100% speaking the truth.

OK lady and gentlemen, I’m only 32 minutes into watching this, and my biggest questions are:
1. How in the hell did this guy, an ER doc, get to know all of this stuff?
2. How did all the people that he claimed (POTUS, CIA director, congressmen, high ranking intel generals) did not know this not actually know, but Dr. Steven Greer did?
3. IF what he is saying is true, which I have some doubts/questions, how has he been allowed to live? We’ve all seen people with less important knowledge get suicided.
4. How is he allowed to tell this to the general public if it is indeed true?
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