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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Total inability to be objective about Trump.

Good call. I guess I am the employee who thought he knew better than the boss. That's why I quit my previous job and started my own company. Are you the employee who takes everything the boss tells you as gospel? Would sure seem to fit based on your desperate defense of Trump.

Trump failed in his first term. Virtually everything he accomplished has been reversed or swept away. His "boundaries" dictated that he put deep stater after deep stater in office? That's absurd. You should be embarrassed for typing it. Did Trump show everyone how deep the deep state was? Perhaps his failure has, because Trump himself made no serious effort to attack the DS, at least not until near the end of his term when it was too late. A 2nd term for Trump is predicated on the fact that he "learned" from first term mistakes, but has there ever been a person who appeared to learn less and would stubbornly refuse to change? (Surely his recent support of Lindsay Graham, Ronna Romney, and Kevin McCarthy shows how he's learned and changed....)

Support Donald to the hilt, continue to be his fan, being a supporter doesn't quite define your devotion to him. To do so, you'll need to emulate Trump himself, use a lot of name calling and cursing. OTOH, I will do what little I can to oppose the man who - 2 years after the fact - still pushes the killshot, even calls it his own. If we had no other reason, that alone shows just how unfit for the office the man is.
I read your first line and again you are blinded by whatever it is your pushing. I dont give a Fuck about Trump. Its your inability to see past how obnoxious and shallow and inconsistent your argument is. It could be anybody. Your premise is just flat stupid. It could be Trump, Tim Scott, Desantis. Anybody, your not objective. Its obnoxious and incorrect. I took over a business, actually was hired as a consultant then decided to take it over. I didnt just come in and clean house. I watched for about 3-4-6 months, then I shifted a few things watched how people exposed themselves. The owner at the time was trying to get me to do stuff. (He was the reason it was going bad). After I shifted things they organically got slightly better. Some employees exposed themselves for who they really were. After about a year we started making big adjustments and changes. At the end of year 2 and the 1st quarter of year 3 the place looked completely different. I hadnt even fully implemented my culture and structure yet. The office of 24 people grew to 30 and became profitable. (I actually had them profitable in the 1st 6 months). It took nearly 3 1/2 years to completely flip the place upside down and make the place a profitable well oiled machine. You and your boys are stuck on Trump. Were not (Im not) You keep railing about how he did things, like you somehow know. You dont. For somebody like me that understands how these things work. He was doing it the exactly like he should have. Yes some of the appointments I questioned but I also have the wherewithal to know some of the things I wont get or understand. The only thing I gather from all your posts is Waaa Trump and that he should have done things the way you wanted him to, which is wrong in every aspect of the term "wrong" You have like a reverse TDS and your reasoning is off and you cant see anything otherwise. Stop being so pent up on the guy. Good Grief you are broken.

Again I ask what is you suggestion? our country goes without a president? FFS Get a Grip


Jan 9, 2021
You people are so washed out and lost. You have no idea what youre talking about. Its comical.
You say nothing of substance to any of my responses but you do try and insult anyone with a differing opinion that yours. I'd take the insults if you added anything to refute the things I am saying, but you can't, or won't. Trump is not infallible and has made terrible personnel decisions, and you are okay with telling family members of yours to just vote for him anyway. Again, you'd make a solid liberal.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
I read your first line and again you are blinded by whatever it is your pushing. I dont give a Fuck about Trump. Its your inability to see past how obnoxious and shallow and inconsistent your argument is. It could be anybody. Your premise is just flat stupid. It could be Trump, Tim Scott, Desantis. Anybody, your not objective. Its obnoxious and incorrect. I took over a business, actually was hired as a consultant then decided to take it over. I didnt just come in and clean house. I watched for about 3-4-6 months, then I shifted a few things watched how people exposed themselves. The owner at the time was trying to get me to do stuff. (He was the reason it was going bad). After I shifted things they organically got slightly better. Some employees exposed themselves for who they really were. After about a year we started making big adjustments and changes. At the end of year 2 and the 1st quarter of year 3 the place looked completely different. I hadnt even fully implemented my culture and structure yet. The office of 24 people grew to 30 and became profitable. (I actually had them profitable in the 1st 6 months). It took nearly 3 1/2 years to completely flip the place upside down and make the place a profitable well oiled machine. You and your boys are stuck on Trump. Were not (Im not) You keep railing about how he did things, like you somehow know. You dont. For somebody like me that understands how these things work. He was doing it the exactly like he should have. Yes some of the appointments I questioned but I also have the wherewithal to know some of the things I wont get or understand. The only thing I gather from all your posts is Waaa Trump and that he should have done things the way you wanted him to, which is wrong in every aspect of the term "wrong" You have like a reverse TDS and your reasoning is off and you cant see anything otherwise. Stop being so pent up on the guy. Good Grief you are broken.

Again I ask what is you suggestion? our country goes without a president? FFS Get a Grip
I’ve tried to explain that to @ETNVol and his cum guzzling followers @Cincinattus91 and @denn

There’s not a single person on this board that hasn’t at one point in time taken issue with some of the things Trump has done. Yet we all know he’s human and the best chance we have.

They want the messiah to show up and be completely infallible and that’s why they’re major fucking morons.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
You say nothing of substance to any of my responses but you do try and insult anyone with a differing opinion that yours. I'd take the insults if you added anything to refute the things I am saying, but you can't, or won't. Trump is not infallible and has made terrible personnel decisions, and you are okay with telling family members of yours to just vote for him anyway. Again, you'd make a solid liberal.
Exhibit A of a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE fagit


Dec 1, 2020


Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
OK lady and gentlemen, I’m only 32 minutes into watching this, and my biggest questions are:
1. How in the hell did this guy, an ER doc, get to know all of this stuff?
2. How did all the people that he claimed (POTUS, CIA director, congressmen, high ranking intel generals) did not know this not actually know, but Dr. Steven Greer did?
3. IF what he is saying is true, which I have some doubts/questions, how has he been allowed to live? We’ve all seen people with less important knowledge get suicided.
4. How is he allowed to tell this to the general public if it is indeed true?
Great questions.

Shawn conducts good interviews with some interesting people. In a different episode he interviews a former Canadian sniper who was removed from duty for not getting the vax. I haven't listened to it yet but Shawn was sent a cease and desist letter by the Canadian government claiming that his interview puts their national security at risk. I assume the interview does not make them look great. Again I'm not sure what is discussed in either podcast, I assume that the sniper does not actually talk about things that would cause a national security risk but the Canadian government told him that he is not allowed to talk about whatever it is. If they are taking those drastic of steps for him, basically a nobody, then like you said, how is this person able to discuss everything?



Jan 8, 2021
OK lady and gentlemen, I’m only 32 minutes into watching this, and my biggest questions are:
1. How in the hell did this guy, an ER doc, get to know all of this stuff?
2. How did all the people that he claimed (POTUS, CIA director, congressmen, high ranking intel generals) did not know this not actually know, but Dr. Steven Greer did?
3. IF what he is saying is true, which I have some doubts/questions, how has he been allowed to live? We’ve all seen people with less important knowledge get suicided.
4. How is he allowed to tell this to the general public if it is indeed true?
1. Forgot what he explained in one.
2. It is a shadow org that grooms people from early in age. Determines they're sociopaths and if they are sociopathic and don't give a shit about subverting laws and have basically no morals, they are groomed to be part of the deep state
3. He has a dead man's switch and says he has the names n receipts but that is the only thing keeping him alive at this point as they tried to assassinate him in the 90s and have killed a couple of his companions.
4. He said he has no NDAs or Clearances or anything of the sort, nor can they enforce any of that shit regardless because they're all outside of the law.


Jan 9, 2021
I'm sure this great thread has already posted it, but in case. 2 Hour video. Dude says he has worked with the Global Shadow Gov. Explains Tesla, Mockingbird, UFO, Energy, Assassinations, on n on n on...basically everything we have already covered in this thread but still some very great info and discusses it so nonchalantly that he is either a great actor/liar or he is 100% speaking the truth.

FYI, you can listen to this like a podcast...you don't have to watch for any reason. so if capable, put in headphones and just listen to it while you are working. Good stuff.




Jan 9, 2021
Anybody seen any connections with the jabs and pink eye? I’m hearing about it going around more than I ever have in my area, and also heard Jon Anik saying on his podcast that his family has it right now.
There have been a couple recalls on eye drops for bacterial contamination this week. Maybe that has contributed to this?


Jan 9, 2021
OK lady and gentlemen, I’m only 32 minutes into watching this, and my biggest questions are:
1. How in the hell did this guy, an ER doc, get to know all of this stuff?
2. How did all the people that he claimed (POTUS, CIA director, congressmen, high ranking intel generals) did not know this not actually know, but Dr. Steven Greer did?
3. IF what he is saying is true, which I have some doubts/questions, how has he been allowed to live? We’ve all seen people with less important knowledge get suicided.
4. How is he allowed to tell this to the general public if it is indeed true?
Per what I gleamed in the first 45 minutes & his claims:

1. He basically started as more or less a hobby collecting public record accounts/testimony/whistle blowers/etc.

2. Not sure except he claims to have interviewed former officials/military/scientists, etc. Also mentions a billionaire grandson of a former nazi scientist being on his "team". Melon was the last name I think.

3. I agree. Though at one point in the interview he says he is now insulated via a security team.

4. He claims that since what he's investigated are illegal activities that this alleviates any legal claims of disclosing secret/classified information. Also talks about a bill passed to allow whistle blowers to come forward legally.

Not sure I buy any of it, though I'm also not sure this isn't a good case for where the Q psyops may have originated from. A lot of similar issues being discussed.


Jan 8, 2021
Per what I gleamed in the first 45 minutes & his claims:

1. He basically started as more or less a hobby collecting public record accounts/testimony/whistle blowers/etc.

2. Not sure except he claims to have interviewed former officials/military/scientists, etc. Also mentions a billionaire grandson of a former nazi scientist being on his "team". Melon was the last name I think.

3. I agree. Though at one point in the interview he says he is now insulated via a security team.

4. He claims that since what he's investigated are illegal activities that this alleviates any legal claims of disclosing secret/classified information. Also talks about a bill passed to allow whistle blowers to come forward legally.

Not sure I buy any of it, though I'm also not sure this isn't a good case for where the Q psyops may have originated from. A lot of similar issues being discussed.
Ultimately, its a rogue element outside the law, outside government, founded back in WW2 time frame with sociopathic people that had wealth and power and they basically recruited other sociopaths to join and infiltrate all aspects of our lives. If "presidents, congressmen, etc etc" weren't deemed to be sociopaths, they weren't brought in hence why they wouldn't know. IE the movie independence day and the alien craft. Plausible deniability for one, for two they have to be corrupt with no morals in order to be "in the know". Literally what we all know to currently be true. Totally believe almost everything he is saying. Whether he is "the guy" that has all this contact and insider knowledge is up for debate, but not like what he is actually saying is not what we all have been saying since Vegas thread.


Jan 8, 2021
I can't help but wonder why DJT has more security and secret service types around him than the resident in chief does. Optics do not make since and haven't since jump street. SKOL!
Trump is a threat to everyone, don't you know?

OBiden is only a threat to white people in the USA most of whom are in the "go along to get along" mode. To most others throughout the world he's a deer in the headlights ass who is destroying the US without them lifting a finger.


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021

hmmmm is this ron telling the truth about jan 6th...."You guys do it too" isn't exactly the defense a truth teller would say....the implication is that it was an organic albeit hopeless attempt by "patriots" to take over the capitol and then proceed to govern....or something.....lol

It's a staged pshycological operation in which trump was absolutely essential as the lead recruiter for the pawns in attendance that day....amazingly trump apparently had no idea antifa and the dems were springing a trap

Once you see it, you can't unsee it.....not even the sober, sane, sagacious arguments of @Joe Kings and @HiddenLakes can blind us from discovered....though they are worthy opponents!
Last edited:


Dec 1, 2020

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
I’ve tried to explain that to @ETNVol and his cum guzzling followers @Cincinattus91 and @denn

There’s not a single person on this board that hasn’t at one point in time taken issue with some of the things Trump has done. Yet we all know he’s human and the best chance we have.

They want the messiah to show up and be completely infallible and that’s why they’re major fucking morons.
Yea Stupid of me to get jumbled up in it. I knew better, but it was so bizarre. Like the answer is so simple and they just refuse it. Im done. Im slightly embarrassed tbh.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
hmmmm is this ron telling the truth about jan 6th....You guys do it to isn't exactly the defense a truth teller would say....the implication is that it was an organic albeit hopeless attempt by "patriots" to take over the capitol and then proceed to govern....or something.....lol

It's a staged pshycological operation in which trump was absolutely essential as the lead recruiter for the pawns in attendance that day....amazingly trump apparently had no idea antifa and the dems were springing a trap

Once you see it, you can't unsee it.....not even the sober, sane, sagacious arguments of @Joe Kings and @HiddenLakes can blind us from discovered....though they are worthy opponents!
Good Gosh you dont even make sense. Have your partner read that before you post next time.
So you thik Trump was in on the setup? Fuck youre dumb.


Jan 8, 2021
Good Gosh you dont even make sense. Have your partner read that before you post next time.
So you thik Trump was in on the setup? Fuck youre dumb.

aubey darned joe. Of course....He is the main cog in the event....no trump supporters on sight no psyop......really not that complicated

Connect the dots

More and more people ITT are seeing it and you can't stop that. In fact, the strength of my argument is only furthered by the weakness of the rebuttals it has faced here....and I thank you for that


Dec 1, 2020
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