Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Its funny for NY'ers to talk about the storm that hit there and turned out the lights for a few days and how everyone got along and helped each other..

A. They were still under the Giulliani effect of NY being a safe place.
B. They knew the cause and length of the outage
C. We were still a united people that were mostly Patriotic.

None of that is the case now. If the lights go out with an emp places like NY will devolve quickly. People are stealing food and jewelry at will now. With mass looting it will only devolve into a free for all.

In case of an EMP the bridges should be dropped and the tunnels filled when the rioting starts
Glen Beck had a good point today about the Chinese balloon. He talked to an emp expert that said the perfect height to detonate and emp was 95000 ft. This balloon is apparently in the 80 to 85000 ft range. They may just be making dry runs so when they want to turn out our lights we don't even think about it... "its just another one of those worthless balloos thingy's".

Head down here...



On purpose I'm sure

Look at that Multiple Chin so many it looks like a whale

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