Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

No doubt had one of these on the tail.
Nope, FF


I wonder why they shot down the ballon with a missile?

I wonder why they targeted the payload and sensor array?

What if the intelligence that a spy balloon could capture had already been given (sold) to China?

Why destroy the evidence?
Read somewhere it was right around 80k feet, the ceiling for the F-22 is like 55k feet. Probably the safest and most accurate option.
Scary times. I’ve been reading too many books. Shit will hit the fan quickly if the lights go out.
People have no idea how dependent we are on everything electronic.

One second after is a great (and scary) book detailing the aftermath of an EMP. Also just finished this series, which doesn’t give much confidence on our ability to survive post EMP

View attachment 166320

Seriously thinking of not only buying a condo here, but a "finca" aka farm here just in case.

If TSHTF and it is TEOTWAWKI I figure if I have a finca up here in the mountains with some cows, chickens, pigs, a vegetable garden, with some hot chicas Colombianas and some Cocoa plants I'll be fine.

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