Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I understand taking loans to make money on investments. But what the hell does a brain dead 92yo President need with a $250,000 loan? I smell fish... something is fishy.
Especially with all the "10% for the Big Guy" he has in his offshore bank accounts.

The bigger question is how can he buy 4 multimillion dollar homes on a Senator's salary? Same question for Bernie Sanders?
So, it only took the Gov't 3 days to respond and get equipment on site? Long enough for the Chinese to harvest all sorts of data including military, economic and general data cruising through cyberspace. Now, how will they use it?
I wonder what kind of data this thing is transmitting vs what they might expect to get if they were to recover the balloon. Are there readings they can take from balloon height that they can’t get from a satellite? Or are all those “starlink” satellites keeping opposing satellites away?

If you think the Wuhan Clot Shots vaccination mantra is the only sinister vax program, Gates just told you their desire is to mRNA every vaccine known to man and "re-vax" people every 6 months for diseases long since controlled. The mRNA clot shots are designed to destroy ones natural immunity so they can follow them with new mRNA measles, smallpox, polio, chickenpox, diphtheria, and other vaccination programs worldwide every 6 months.
Jim Jordan subpoenas Garland and Wray over Parents are Terrorists memo's.

These people and others will ignore every subpoena, request for documents and all else they get from the House. Nobody in DOJ or any other gov't agency will enforce these.
Scary times. I’ve been reading too many books. Shit will hit the fan quickly if the lights go out.
People have no idea how dependent we are on everything electronic.

One second after is a great (and scary) book detailing the aftermath of an EMP. Also just finished this series, which doesn’t give much confidence on our ability to survive post EMP

Doubt this will pass but it's a start in Texas.

Bill being introduced to mandate no gov't employees (any local, city, country, state, ISD or others) make more than the Governor. He is at $167,000/yr and the Dallas City Manager is at $423,000. Many ISD superintendents and administrators across Texas make 2-3x what the Gov. makes.

Their first cry will be that "you can't find good people to lead" if you don't pay them above average salaries. Bullshit. They are already making obscene salaries and the academic results seen are abysmal. I'm certain there are plenty of people who could do these jobs at what the Governor is making.

The first thing the Legislature needs to do is remove the handcuffs on teachers and admins in schools so they can teach and discipline students. And get rid of these "special months" like Black History Month.

From the comments

If you think the Wuhan Clot Shots vaccination mantra is the only sinister vax program, Gates just told you their desire is to mRNA every vaccine known to man and "re-vax" people every 6 months for diseases long since controlled. The mRNA clot shots are designed to destroy ones natural immunity so they can follow them with new mRNA measles, smallpox, polio, chickenpox, diphtheria, and other vaccination programs worldwide every 6 months.
Well my niece lives in Florida and she loves DeSantis. But when I see him hanging with Paul Ryan I am suspicious. Ryan is dog shit on the sidewalk. I hate how he treated Pres. Trump. Ryan is shit.

That makes you suspicious, but Donald Trump hanging with, appointing, endorsing, yucking it up with deep state Rs from the moment he got elected doesn't?

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