Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Are you trolling? What he said is factually true. Now, it may not be true where you live, but it is most certainly true in a lot of places.

So it’s factually true but just not all over the country? So you are admitting that people are different?

I know everything said about cops being uneducated, out of shape, untrained, power hungry little people because they can’t garner respect without a badge is 100% true. Maybe not where you live but THIS is definitely MOST cops in a LOT of places.
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Are you ready to ship off family members to fight Russians for the Coke Head Crook Zelinsky and his UkoNazi's.
Former UK Defense Minister is calling on NATO to put boots on the ground and send back body backs to the USA for Zelinsky the UKONAZI.

The Propaganda for American Blood and Body Bags has began.

^^trainee fired on his third day, which is 2 days longer than any other job he's had I'm sure^^

Are you ready to ship off family members to fight Russians for the Coke Head Crook Zelinsky and his UkoNazi's.
Former UK Defense Minister is calling on NATO to put boots on the ground and send back body backs to the USA for Zelinsky the UKONAZI.

The Propaganda for American Blood and Body Bags has began.

And more "leaks" like this will happen as they frog boil the populace to war.

We're going to need "advisors and technicians" for the Tanks is just the next step

^^don't necessarily buy this at all^^
And more "leaks" like this will happen as they frog boil the populace to war.

We're going to need "advisors and technicians" for the Tanks is just the next step
The propaganda build up for bodies for the UkoNazi is going to get very big and loud.

The fake CNN Generals will start demanding Patriots to fight for the UkoNAZI's. Send your sons and daughters. Fight Russia.
Meanwhile the whole Ukraine is a NAZI state.
Americans need to say NO for once

Is there more to this? I don’t get why someone is installing these barriers.
The UN and the WEF decided to do this to limit travel with fossil fuel etc. Would slow Global warming.
So they divided up the city into sections. And if you live inside one of these sections you can travel no more than 15 minutes in any one direction away from your home.

NWO/WEF/UN prison.
UN Agenda 2030 wants everyone in very dense cities and no more people living in the countryside.
It is already here in every US city planning department.

This author Rosa Koire now deceased fought to protect American's private property for years. Your property rights are being zoned out of your control by UN Controlled and educated people in your own cities and towns who have adopted the UN Sustainability Scam. She exposed it big time. She has Youtube video's that are good as well.

Question for all.

Do you think articles like this are reaching anybody? Is there anybody out there who is willing to hear the truth that doesn’t already know this?
Some people will read these articles. I'm encountering more and more people who wished they hadn't taken the Clot Shots.

What is getting more people's attention are the mounting #diedsuddenly's among their friends, relatives and acquaintances.
Obama in Ukraine years ago as a Senator. Lot of dirt there on Obama and Biden.
The UN and the WEF decided to do this to limit travel with fossil fuel etc. Would slow Global warming.
So they divided up the city into sections. And if you live inside one of these sections you can travel no more than 15 minutes in any one direction away from your home.

NWO/WEF/UN prison.
UN Agenda 2030 wants everyone in very dense cities and no more people living in the countryside.
It is already here in every US city planning department.

This author Rosa Koire now deceased fought to protect American's private property for years. Your property rights are being zoned out of your control by UN Controlled and educated people in your own cities and towns who have adopted the UN Sustainability Scam. She exposed it big time. She has Youtube video's that are good as well.

Sorry a PS: to back up my statement on the UN taking over US City and town planning and zoning.
This is how it works. They have been burrowing into City, town and local planning Departments for 30 years in America.

Obama in Ukraine years ago as a Senator. Lot of dirt there on Obama and Biden.
What are those canister things?
“””In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones…euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good.

We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!…We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “ The future of life – Jacques Attali, 1981
Store owners need to just pull out their own guns and shoot the robbers on the spot ala Indiana Jones.
Same with thugs who randomly attack people. Shoot them.
When I went into the city I always carried my little snake gun. It was a Ruger LC9 .380 held 7+1 rounds. I have big shit hooks and could only get 2 fingers on the grip but it worked fine. It would fit in my watch pocket, back pocket or front pocket. A .380 is just a .38 short or a 9mm short. Nasty at close range. And it fit in the palm of my hand.
The big thing is head on a swivel. This is a newer one with a safety. Mine had no safety and was DA. Just keep pulling the trigger, then put in another mag

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