Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Not kidding. You're probably not far off.

View attachment 165435
(I would go with the deep, artsy pic, too)

View attachment 165436

But mention on his Twitter profile.

Glad to see you back here with more frequency!
Is Riley continuing to improve?
Libertarians and small-government conservatives may not like it, but the cold truth is that reforming a titanic mega-government is impossible without amassing and using State power. You have to play the game, and play to win. Your adversaries most certainly do.
You have to play the game at every level, too. It's important to organize at the local level and win state and county races, but that doesn't count for much in the long run if the gigantic central government is wholly run by aggressive totalitarian statists.

Government is like the One Ring from Lord of The Rings. It's power corrupts and addicts you. If we use the power of government to reform it... it'll just be as bad from the other side. We need someone with the balls to just cut the shit out of these bureaucracies.
Government is like the One Ring from Lord of The Rings. It's power corrupts and addicts you. If we use the power of government to reform it... it'll just be as bad from the other side. We need someone with the balls to just cut the shit out of these bureaucracies.
They are unelected. I think 1st get rid of many of them that are outside the Constitution.
Federal Police like FBI,CIA,ATF, the US Marshall Service is Constitutional, they were created by President Geoge Washington.
Then Dept of Education federally, Dept of Interior all public land should have been turned over to the states years ago etc etc.
Then what ever is left put everyone of them on like 3 year individual contracts that can not be rolled over.
At the end of the 3 years or what ever term works they have to resubmit and re qualify. So as they can never get their roots down.
And strip all rule making and law making power. That is why we have elected Reps and Senators.
And term limits on elected reps.
This is really going to kill off the USD and the EU/UK.
Putin just did a huge end run on USA and Europe.
No Russian trade will have to pass through the EU at all.
Straight by rail and boat to India, or China through Iran.
And it is already being used.

Glad to see you back here with more frequency!
Is Riley continuing to improve?
She is. ☺️. Inflammation down, just 4 more days of the anti-inflammatory . Got that fixed, now to figure out the rest of the weirdness and how to get her back to 100% healthy. Really need u get the PVCs under control and get her heart beat somewhat regulated.

Her tilt table test and (4TH) MRI are finally scheduled for April 4 at Ohio state. I'll be with her.
She is. ☺️. Inflammation down, just 4 more days of the anti-inflammatory . Got that fixed, now to figure out the rest of the weirdness and how to get her back to 100% healthy. Really need u get the PVCs under control and get her heart beat somewhat regulated.

Her tilt table test and (4TH) MRI are finally scheduled for April 4 at Ohio state. I'll be with her.
God Bless.
Yep - daily
We're gonna get this figured out. I really like her electrocardiologist. He's the first one to really take this seriously and is determined to get her healthy. He reviewed her records the first consult (and was less than pleased her primary cardio sent less than complete records) so he said screw it. Let's start over. I want to do everything again and then some. Including a full genetic panel to look for long QT (which he doesn't think is the problem, but at least wants to finally rule it completely out)

He also has daughters around the same age, so he's taking it a little bit to heart (no pun intended).

Right now, as of today, we're thankful she's better than she has been in the past 2 months. She's not scared to go to work or spend time with friends. She knows what to do when she gets light headed or loses her breath. Everybody around her keeps a watchful eye on her without being weird (which gives me a bit of peace) and her company has been so. good to her through all of this.

She's in a good place right now. 🥰
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We're gonna get this figured out. I really like her electrocsrdiologist. He's the first one to really take this seriously and is determined to get her healthy. He reviewed her records the first consult (and was less than pleased her primary cardio sent less than complete records) so he said screw it. Let's start over. I want to do everything again and then some. Including a full genetic panel to look for long QT (which he doesn't think is the problem, but at least wants to finally rule it completely out)

He also has daughters around the same age, so he's taking it a little bit to heart (no pun intended).

Right now, as of today, we're thankful she's better than she has been in the past 2 months. She's not scared to go to work or spend time with friends. She knows what to do when she gets light headed or loses her breath. Everybody around her keeps a watchful eye on her without being weird (which gives me a bit of peace) and her company has been so. good to her through all of this.

She's in a good place right now. 🥰
That is very good news. Prayers and Blessing on you all. Believe.
They are unelected. I think 1st get rid of many of them that are outside the Constitution.
Federal Police like FBI,CIA,ATF, the US Marshall Service is Constitutional, they were created by President Geoge Washington.
Then Dept of Education federally, Dept of Interior all public land should have been turned over to the states years ago etc etc.
Then what ever is left put everyone of them on like 3 year individual contracts that can not be rolled over.
At the end of the 3 years or what ever term works they have to resubmit and re qualify. So as they can never get their roots down.
And strip all rule making and law making power. That is why we have elected Reps and Senators.
And term limits on elected reps.
FBI was in the 20's I believe. Cia was after the Korean war I think. ATF isn't even constitutionally legal... they litter ali contradict the 2nd amendment and most of our founding fathers grew tobacco and made whiskey.... and did not find the need to regulate those things.
Yah their big Cantrell field collapsed years ago. They over produced it. It was 4M BBLs per day. And they collapsed it by over producing. Same as Saudi Arabia. The largest oil fild in the world is now producing major sea water. Ghwar is dying.

Simmons found that the Saudis are using increasingly large amounts of water to force oil out of Ghawar. Most of the wells are concentrated in the northern portion of the 174-mile-long field.

You should know that you are quoting a global warming fanatic that wants to abolish all fossil fuels.

That all sounds great, but the question is: Has Trump learned the hard lesson… that the swamp is the Terminator, it will not stop, it cannot be negotiated with, the swamp knows no parties or limits, and it must be crushed? Otherwise, it will kill him, kill his supporters and kill the Republic of the United States.

Recent events seem to suggest that he has not learned.

First, he endorsed Dr. Oz over a rock-solid MAGA candidate in Pennsylvania. Oz was anything but MAGA and went on to lose to a literally brain-damaged Democrat. Trump made other MAGA endorsements, but Pennsylvania’s was for one of the most important swing states in the nation, and he blew it.

Next, in December, he endorsed the decidedly not MAGA Kevin McCarthy for Speaker even though there were several MAGA candidates in the running. In 2021, McCarthy stated, “I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election.” That’s true, except for virtually every single MAGA voter in America and 70% of the larger GOP as well.

Then, earlier this month, Trump threw his most ardent supporters, the pro-life movement, under the bus, stating, “It was the ‘abortion issue,’ poorly handled by many Republicans…that lost large numbers of Voters.” He continued, “Also, the people that pushed so hard, for decades, against abortion, got their wish from the U.S. Supreme Court, & just plain disappeared, not to be seen again.” That was completely unnecessary and wrong, to boot.

Then, quixotically, he invited the biggest dolt in Congress, Senator Lindsey Graham, who actually proposed a nationwide abortion ban less than two months before the election, to be with him at his first campaign event! Most Republicans despise the warmonger and big-spending Graham, behind only McConnell and perhaps Collins, Murray, and Romney.

Then, finally, despite six years of failure, Trump supported the grifter Ronna McDaniel to lead the Republican Party over the incomparable super lawyer and MAGA candidate Harmeet Dhillon. If there was ever anyone in the Republican Party who should’ve been ousted and replaced by a dyed-in-the-wool grassroots MAGA candidate, it was McDaniel.

McDaniel was recently revealed to have spent over $2 million from the RNC treasury on luxury travel and private jets, $300,000 on flowers, $75,000 on “beauty and spa treatments,” and $1,280 on LBGTQ+ filings! She did all of this while undermining MAGA candidates in the midterms.

McDaniel is the antithesis of the grassroots MAGA voter. She is the polar opposite of the farmers, plumbers, police, truckers, and steel workers who put Trump into office in the first place and the ones who recognized the coup. They’re the 50,000 people who filled stadiums and were in the trenches with him. But McDaniel and the establishment loathe them.

If Trump circa 2024 hasn’t figured out that success lies with the grassroots MAGA voters who put him in the White House rather than with the establishment grifters who lead the party today—with his help—then I’m not sure what the motivation is to support him is.

2024 is too important a moment in American history to let serial failures like the establishment McFailures (McConnell, McCarthy, and McDaniel) lead the way. This election may well be the last opportunity for Americans to rescue the nation from a Democrat party that has turned our cities into dystopian wastelands, turned 40% of American children into gender-confused lab rats, and seeks to balkanize the nation based on race, sex and anything else the swamp’s denizens can think of. The swamp’s goal is power, and it knows no party. McDaniel & Co. is its GOP arm, and if Trump doesn’t recognize that, then the baggage that comes with supporting him isn’t worth the fight because, with those charlatans leading the way, come January 20, 2025, there will be another Democrat being sworn in.

That all sounds great, but the question is: Has Trump learned the hard lesson… that the swamp is the Terminator, it will not stop, it cannot be negotiated with, the swamp knows no parties or limits, and it must be crushed? Otherwise, it will kill him, kill his supporters and kill the Republic of the United States.

Recent events seem to suggest that he has not learned.

First, he endorsed Dr. Oz over a rock-solid MAGA candidate in Pennsylvania. Oz was anything but MAGA and went on to lose to a literally brain-damaged Democrat. Trump made other MAGA endorsements, but Pennsylvania’s was for one of the most important swing states in the nation, and he blew it.

Next, in December, he endorsed the decidedly not MAGA Kevin McCarthy for Speaker even though there were several MAGA candidates in the running. In 2021, McCarthy stated, “I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election.” That’s true, except for virtually every single MAGA voter in America and 70% of the larger GOP as well.

Then, earlier this month, Trump threw his most ardent supporters, the pro-life movement, under the bus, stating, “It was the ‘abortion issue,’ poorly handled by many Republicans…that lost large numbers of Voters.” He continued, “Also, the people that pushed so hard, for decades, against abortion, got their wish from the U.S. Supreme Court, & just plain disappeared, not to be seen again.” That was completely unnecessary and wrong, to boot.

Then, quixotically, he invited the biggest dolt in Congress, Senator Lindsey Graham, who actually proposed a nationwide abortion ban less than two months before the election, to be with him at his first campaign event! Most Republicans despise the warmonger and big-spending Graham, behind only McConnell and perhaps Collins, Murray, and Romney.

Then, finally, despite six years of failure, Trump supported the grifter Ronna McDaniel to lead the Republican Party over the incomparable super lawyer and MAGA candidate Harmeet Dhillon. If there was ever anyone in the Republican Party who should’ve been ousted and replaced by a dyed-in-the-wool grassroots MAGA candidate, it was McDaniel.

McDaniel was recently revealed to have spent over $2 million from the RNC treasury on luxury travel and private jets, $300,000 on flowers, $75,000 on “beauty and spa treatments,” and $1,280 on LBGTQ+ filings! She did all of this while undermining MAGA candidates in the midterms.

McDaniel is the antithesis of the grassroots MAGA voter. She is the polar opposite of the farmers, plumbers, police, truckers, and steel workers who put Trump into office in the first place and the ones who recognized the coup. They’re the 50,000 people who filled stadiums and were in the trenches with him. But McDaniel and the establishment loathe them.

If Trump circa 2024 hasn’t figured out that success lies with the grassroots MAGA voters who put him in the White House rather than with the establishment grifters who lead the party today—with his help—then I’m not sure what the motivation is to support him is.

2024 is too important a moment in American history to let serial failures like the establishment McFailures (McConnell, McCarthy, and McDaniel) lead the way. This election may well be the last opportunity for Americans to rescue the nation from a Democrat party that has turned our cities into dystopian wastelands, turned 40% of American children into gender-confused lab rats, and seeks to balkanize the nation based on race, sex and anything else the swamp’s denizens can think of. The swamp’s goal is power, and it knows no party. McDaniel & Co. is its GOP arm, and if Trump doesn’t recognize that, then the baggage that comes with supporting him isn’t worth the fight because, with those charlatans leading the way, come January 20, 2025, there will be another Democrat being sworn in.
This is a terrible take or a decent troll. The vast majority of teachers are good people trying to do the right thing. Do you realize you are being programmed by tictok videos and a few crazies? Wake up.

I had to inform my wife this morning that she is a terrible person, for being a good person, who happens to teach 1st grade at a good public school.

We’ve informed our church in case they were unaware that not only do my kids attend public school for elementary but my wife teaches at the same place. Not sure if they will continue to let us lead a Sunday school class for kids once they get wind of this news

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