Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Years ago I was drunk and went in a greasy Chinese restaurant. We ordered and I went to the men's room. There was a turd pile above the seat, there was puke. I said fuck it and hosed down the whole Ffffing place. And went back to my seat not far from the wash room door to watch.
In comes a big local business man hitching at his pants undoing his suit, he is about to shit himself. I smirk. He goes in the men's room.
Then we hear bellows an roaring. He comes out goes in the kitchen yelling and hollering. Out comes the owner and a very angry young Chinese guy all ao them yelling now in Chinese and American.
The young guy is kicking a bucket on rollers and carrying a mop.
What a shit show. I was just married a short while, and the wife and I had been to a dance.
She leans over and whispered what's going on. I shrugged and said I have no idea. I don't speak Chinese.


Probably was about 5 years ago you could comfortably say any parent that sends their kid to a public school is an actual bad person. Now there is zero doubt. Home school or find a non-crazy private school. Several stories on line of people that have downsized and cut back to afford that. Teachers have become such a freak show that no decent person will become a teacher now so it will only get worse.
My kid is a senior. I'm not pulling him out now. Just survive another day and get through. Not that hard. He has 2 study halls and an hour for lunch. He's already committed to Roanoke. Just keep the grades level and enjoy theses last months with his friends. (His favorite classes are comparative religions and forensics. Go figure, the 2 classes that aren't gimme grades. )

If I had known then what I know now re: our schools relatively recently being completely overrun with Insanity and given Max's athleticism, I would have put him at Alter starting his freshman year. But, here we are. One semester left.

If I had young children just starting their educational journey, private/home school/private teacher with a pod of students and peers.

And not all teachers have lost their mind. The vast majority are just as disgusted as anybody else (my son's Eng/Lit teacher excluded...frigging nutjob). It's not fair to condemn them as a whole just as it's not fair to condemn any other 'group' all because of the loud few who are supported and glorified by woke admins and unions.
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