Probably was about 5 years ago you could comfortably say any parent that sends their kid to a public school is an actual bad person. Now there is zero doubt. Home school or find a non-crazy private school. Several stories on line of people that have downsized and cut back to afford that. Teachers have become such a freak show that no decent person will become a teacher now so it will only get worse.
Not sure he can pull that off. Not to mention the significant margin he is going to need to win the general against whoever the dems run.He's counting on his supporters voting for him no matter what and trying to gain the middle who sees him as a right wing nut job. IMHO.
I checked out when they did away with corporal punishment back in the late 70's.I wasn’t aware I was a bad person, but now I am.
Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed Fed FedLet's try to move the coversation forward on the jabs
Amongst other things we can now realize the perception of a pandemic was engineered to induce reception for these jabs......
why? an experiment? "evolve" the species?
The patriot act was written prior to 9/11 and we know the attack induced invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq + surveillance state + perpetual "war on terror"......
Similarly, the jabs were ready to go, hospital guideline in place to classify any/all deaths as 'corona" + tbd. Is it checkpoint/jab society, bio medical security state but enacted by loyal patriot white acts?
Is it depopulation? Seems the heaviest push was in western societies with declining populations so not sure about that. I think the Cainites in charge would prefer 7 billion slaves to 500,000,000 sovereign and vigorous
Or maybe it was for our safety as @HiddenLakes believes
We need answers, and we need them at warp speed
If you do not have a plan to survive thermonuclear war, make one
Traitors lower than whale shit.
Bout fucked around too much…
Even on this board vilifying traditional education over paying taxes .. SMH.
In addition to the above, they have to post it at every entrance. If not, it can’t be enforced. These don’t get put up without an agenda.Basically this. To expand on my previous comment…
In Texas, a business must post more than a simple “No Guns” or gun buster sign (pic of gun with red line through it) to ban concealed handguns from their business. They must post a sign that has special wording, in both English and Spanish, in 1” letters. A business doesn’t accidentally or mindlessly put up one of these signs. They know exactly what they’re doing. So I’m happy to oblige and me (and my legally carried handgun) won’t give them my money.
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