Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Probably was about 5 years ago you could comfortably say any parent that sends their kid to a public school is an actual bad person. Now there is zero doubt. Home school or find a non-crazy private school. Several stories on line of people that have downsized and cut back to afford that. Teachers have become such a freak show that no decent person will become a teacher now so it will only get worse.
That's about the dumbest take a person can have on public school, but do you.











Just Like He Laid Waste to The Aussies and Bily Gates

He's Going to Ram The US Open Trophy Up Biden's Ass

The Guy Has Always Been Focused

He's a "Man on a Mission" Like in a Rambo Movie

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Means you can’t carry in the restaurant even if you have a CCW
A sign that says 30.06 outside a store means no guns inside even with CCW?

EDIT: Sure as $#!t, I googled it and it’s a Texas state law.

Let's try to move the coversation forward on the jabs

Amongst other things we can now realize the perception of a pandemic was engineered to induce reception for these jabs......

why? an experiment? "evolve" the species?

The patriot act was written prior to 9/11 and we know the attack induced invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq + surveillance state + perpetual "war on terror"......

Similarly, the jabs were ready to go, hospital guideline in place to classify any/all deaths as 'corona" + tbd. Is it checkpoint/jab society, bio medical security state but enacted by loyal patriot white acts?

Is it depopulation? Seems the heaviest push was in western societies with declining populations so not sure about that. I think the Cainites in charge would prefer 7 billion slaves to 500,000,000 sovereign and vigorous

Or maybe it was for our safety as @HiddenLakes believes

We need answers, and we need them at warp speed
I think they were measuring compliance with a "vaccine" that was not tested because they didn't care what the effects were. Tens of millions lined up at the door without blinking an eye and millions more took it because they wanted to protect the livelihood of their families with little to no other options.

Perhaps it's a combination of they didn't care about the side effects because if a few million die, there are still millions more left, along with finding out who wouldn't take it because those that won't take it would likely be the enemy of the government. They do not want free thinking people out there spreading ideas that go against everything they stand for.

The declining population numbers won't come to the forefront for a while so like you said, wonder why speed that up? China had a one child policy for 35 years before they realized it was working in the opposite direction and removed it.

I saw somewhere that the NIH changed how deaths are coded in 2016. We now know why.

Or it's a sign from God of what the mark of the beast will be like and this is a warning from Him.
The left took over the Bureaucracy same as I said the Boers took over the bureaucracy in SA. and defeated the British.
They hollowed the government out from the inside.
Same thing here. The unelected part of Government is out of control. And they never change, and they run the show.

For thee, not for me.

Lib NBA Star Stephen Curry Opposes Affordable Housing Near His $30 Million Mansion
NBA superstar and Biden-supporter Stephen Curry is opposing the proposed construction of a low-income multifamily unit proposed for construction next to his $30 million mansion, saying he has “major concerns” for his “privacy” and “safety.”

Libertarians and small-government conservatives may not like it, but the cold truth is that reforming a titanic mega-government is impossible without amassing and using State power. You have to play the game, and play to win. Your adversaries most certainly do.
You have to play the game at every level, too. It's important to organize at the local level and win state and county races, but that doesn't count for much in the long run if the gigantic central government is wholly run by aggressive totalitarian statists.

Fauci is a mass murderer and a monster.
Let him dangle. Millions have died globally. Over 200,000 in the USA in 2021 alone.

He Is Right.

“...the socio-psychological foundations of socialism is identical to that of the foundations of a state, if there were no institution enforcing socialistic ideas of property, there would be no room for a state, as a state is nothing else than an institution built on taxation and unsolicited, noncontractual interference with the use that private people can make of their natural property. There can be no socialism without a state, and as long as there is a state there is socialism. The state, then, is the very institution that puts socialism into action; and as socialism rests on aggressive violence directed against innocent victims, aggressive violence is the nature of any state.”

— Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “The Theory of Capitalism and Socialism”
Basically this. To expand on my previous comment…

In Texas, a business must post more than a simple “No Guns” or gun buster sign (pic of gun with red line through it) to ban concealed handguns from their business. They must post a sign that has special wording, in both English and Spanish, in 1” letters. A business doesn’t accidentally or mindlessly put up one of these signs. They know exactly what they’re doing. So I’m happy to oblige and me (and my legally carried handgun) won’t give them my money.

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Does that mean you can open carry?

I don’t generally carry a gun right now because I have a 7, 9, 11 and 12 year old and I think it’s a good time to keep them locked. But when I did carry every day, signs like that didn’t stop me. I figured nobody would ever know I had a gun unless I shot somebody and if the situation required that I’d deal with the fallout.
For thee, not for me.

Lib NBA Star Stephen Curry Opposes Affordable Housing Near His $30 Million Mansion
NBA superstar and Biden-supporter Stephen Curry is opposing the proposed construction of a low-income multifamily unit proposed for construction next to his $30 million mansion, saying he has “major concerns” for his “privacy” and “safety.”

True Colors, he's been coached by Kerr. Say the right things, but keep the commoners away from yourself and the media will protect you



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