Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The vax is going to be a back breaker for Trump. When all the information comes out about the damage the vax has done, especially to children and women that cant get pregnant anymore from this.
Why? He was operating under exactly what all presidents do - the authority. Berx and Fauci told him what needed to happen. It was a no win situation. Trump was for it, but would never mandate it. All he could do imo.
So my take on Trump and Operation Warp Speed. It's a calculated move he had to make. Similar to a chess move.
If he doesn't push to accelerate the vax, what is the option? Extended lockdowns. By having the vax ready sooner, he then pushes for everything to open up and return to normal. He took that move away from the DS. And he's always said it should be optional, not mandatory.
The quote about saving 100M lives I feel applies to this, not the vax. The lockdowns would have been much worse and more catastrophic.
On his position to stand by the vax recently. Not sure. But my guess is he's holding this line till other heads of state begin to question. If he starts to question it now, they'll blame him for it. When the narrative fully changes, he'll say he was duped by his advisors.
That's exactly where I am
I am convinced the truth about the Vax will eventually come out main stream in an effort to pin it on Trump to stop his campaign.
If the MSM isn’t full of retards, they’ll pin the vaccine on Trump and use his pride against him.

He’ll be getting blamed for all of the death, and he’ll be screaming how he saved a hundred million lives.

All the while the left half of my brain will say they lied about him and his family and I don’t blame him for how rough he acted in office. I’d treat communists bastards the same.

The right side of my brain will tell me he’s a bad actor and controlled opposition whose only function was to be the “Peoples Champion” and head of Government when this medical abomination was unveiled. That the Vaccine was only released during the election to make both political parties feel ok with taking it. Conservative admin produced it, liberal admin administered it.

Only problem with blaming anyone for the Vaccines is it opens EVERYONE up for the shit show.
Where has all the money gone? How much more are we giving them? When will it be enough? Show the America people where all the money was spent please.
I did not post this because it is mostly Russian sources but it is I think fairly accurate speculation.
Greed is taking apart the Zelinsky Government.
He is a Billionaire Oligarch and maybe is not getting his 10%. Rumors that the Ukraine Military are selling weapon and drugs.
For what it is worth. You need to hit translate from Greek.
Ok yea it's long I'm just starting.

My buddy that supplies us the Sperry info sent to me.

This girl appears to be LAC on Steroids.

She ties it all together. From JFK to Epstein to Sam Bankman Fried to Ukraine etc

Starts how Organized Crime and US Intel worked together in WWII and it never ended

How she's still alive to talk - maybe enough people haven't seen this video or read her book.

Thus far I'm just a little ways in but wow!

This one is worth your time.

Here is her book Part Vol 2 I understand it is 3 Volumes this one is 1000 pages - I get free books off of Prime will be using to read.

Amazon product ASIN 1634243021
Let us not forget that Operation Warp Speed was much more than a vaccine. A hospital was built at the Javits Center, two hospital ships located off the shores of NY and LA. Also, the military built hospitals in other major cities and then they repurposed businesses into mask and vent producers.
This has to of been one of the most impressive feats ever by the US government.
While providing the deep state with everything it needed, it also exposed many corrupt POS's. What happens next, we await.

So my take on Trump and Operation Warp Speed. It's a calculated move he had to make. Similar to a chess move.
If he doesn't push to accelerate the vax, what is the option? Extended lockdowns. By having the vax ready sooner, he then pushes for everything to open up and return to normal. He took that move away from the DS. And he's always said it should be optional, not mandatory.
The quote about saving 100M lives I feel applies to this, not the vax. The lockdowns would have been much worse and more catastrophic.
On his position to stand by the vax recently. Not sure. But my guess is he's holding this line till other heads of state begin to question. If he starts to question it now, they'll blame him for it. When the narrative fully changes, he'll say he was duped by his advisors.

^^remember, Biden was going to make our "allies" happy again

^^Trust Wray^^

^^but you wanted them^^
^^then fire every clerk who had access^^

Western Escalation Threatens To Widen To WW3.
US and UK discussing attacking Crimea again. The West, USA, UK,EU NATO all in a huge meeting in Ramstein today.
Like article states, what if Russia began arming the Cartels on US Border with heavy weapon? Would Americas like that?.
Or position nuke sub along the US east and west coasts permanently etc.

I think if US/UK hits Crimea or Russia, it will be on.
Trump proved he’s a politician just like any other politician. Re-election comes first. He should have gone scorched earth from day 1 but instead he tried to play the game.
I think it looks lie h was always going to play the game. Despite what his promises were. He was campaigning from the first day he was in office for a second term. (which is true of all presidents, except maybe the dummy in there now. He has no idea what day it is) Now, Trump did do some good things, it wasn't all playing along in the swamp with the other swampites. He made too many mistakes that look swampy. (3 letter directors he appointed have been wonderful for him huh?) I wish there was another viable candidate from the America first part of the rep party to support. Sadly it is all swampers right now that are of any import within the arty. Hell, I'd throw my support behind Chip Roy.
Non starter. First you want to ban red meat and now want to ban coffee? FU.

I can assure that this is DOA here in Colombia 🇨🇴

My amigos would give those fuck a "Colombian Necktie"

A Colombian necktie (Spanish: corte de corbata, tie-cut) is a form of post-mortem mutilation in which the victim’s tongue is pulled through a deep cut beneath the jaw and left dangling on the neck.
I can assure that this is DOA here in Colombia 🇨🇴

My amigos would give those fuck a "Colombian Necktie"

A Colombian necktie (Spanish: corte de corbata, tie-cut) is a form of post-mortem mutilation in which the victim’s tongue is pulled through a deep cut beneath the jaw and left dangling on the neck.
Sort of like "necklacing" where they put a tire around your neck, fill it with gas, and light it on fire. Your hands are tied behind your back--for safety, of course. They don't want you to grab some spectator while you're burning like a torch.
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