Unfortunately.. in my prior life I played D1 golf and some time on the Hooters tour. I had issues keeping my rock in between white stakes. You’ll be glad to know I play as much tennis now
Reports locally are getting worse … this shit is about to hit the fan bad
Hi, I'm Dory!That biyatch's eyes are so far apart she looks like a fish.....Omar Jr.
Well, the sun has about 6 billion Horishima Bombs going off in its core every millisecond. The small percentage of that power that hits the earth could probably be about 600,000 Hiroshima bombs.Insane Al Gore claims Global Warming is the same as if 600,000 Nuclear Hiroshima Bombs Had been Let Off In Ocean.
That Fat SOB should be on meds and electro shock therapy.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
I noticed that many action movies have someone pointing a gun directly at the camera.It was her first set. Her dad is a famous armorer and trained her.
From what I have read there were several mistakes. But, only Alec chose to point a weapon at someone and pull the trigger.
Here's my plan to solve the debt
Elon Musk takes out a loan for 30 trillion
Declares bankruptcy
We take care of him
On a somewhat serious note......the debt is fake as the creditors lent "money" created out of thin air. the government needs 0 tax revenue to fund its obligations in the current system.....0
Tax is the mechanism to remove “money” from the current system to offset the money the government created. The more created, the greater the tax. Higher taxes are always a sure cure for inflation. Therefore, creating inflation is a sure plan to increase taxes.Here's my plan to solve the debt
Elon Musk takes out a loan for 30 trillion
Declares bankruptcy
We take care of him
On a somewhat serious note......the debt is fake as the creditors lent "money" created out of thin air. the government needs 0 tax revenue to fund its obligations in the current system.....0
The point there is no fiscal explanation/justification behind taxes. They are merely a control and theft mechanism. The deficit is proof that there is not a tax dollar for every dollar created. Taxes are used to "fund" things but comprise a drop in the bucket compared to debt/money creationTax is the mechanism to remove “money” from the current system to offset the money the government created. The more created, the greater the tax. Higher taxes are always a sure cure for inflation. Therefore, creating inflation is a sure plan to increase taxes.
Got another new client from California yesterday.
Young couple with 3 kids. She said the covid restrictions finally pushed them over the edge, the government and many of the people are crazy, and wanted to give their kids a chance to have a normal life.
She said something like "We just wanted to be left alone, raise our family in peace, we don't believe in men becoming women, we love Jesus, and none of those things are welcome in California any longer."
Taxes don’t remove $$$ from the system. Taxes just take $$$ from one pocket to other pockets within the system.Tax is the mechanism to remove “money” from the current system to offset the money the government created. The more created, the greater the tax. Higher taxes are always a sure cure for inflation. Therefore, creating inflation is a sure plan to increase taxes.
Underrated comedy.Plus the lobster