Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I agree that it is sadistic to try and move to the green agenda with our current technology and energy distribution.

At the same time, Nuclear and some other technologies (hydrogen-based), would produce cleaner/cheaper energy than O&G in theory, are more scalable than other alternatives, and are better for health (air quality) and the environment.

Transitioning us off O&G will realistically take decades barring a societal collapse as our infrastructure and key assets (homes & transportation) will take awhile.
There are certainly better options than oil....abundant and clean

But abundance and the environment have absolutely nothing to with the "green energy" program

It is very hard to reconcile the realities of the "green new deal/ electric cars and heroic/benevolent elon musk

In fact, it's absolutely preposterous

Video description from YT: Conservative media giants are no better than Big Tech. The people you thought were fighting for you have been putting quick profits and the appeasement of their tech overlords ahead of any real conservative values. I can't continue if this does. It's time we put a stop to the Big Con.

LOL I'm not going to name you, but STOP IT!

Sweet Baby Jesus
Ukrainian Super Puma Helicopter down in Kiev. MOD wiped out. Suspect a manpad.
Zelinsky's cabinet disappearing. Crash happened 24 hrs after Zelisky dismissed his special adviser, and put him on KILL List.

Perhaps infighting over the spoils of Billions in US and EU welfare.

Hard to believe his defense team didn't have that when trying to get him cleared. If that was actually what they were trying to do....Clear him

I'm pretty sure they did. IIRC, they put an expert on the stand saying that his fentanyl dosage was lethal. But it didn't matter.

If they'd had video showing Floyd killing himself, they were still going to convict. Someone had to hang for St. Floyd's death.
I'm pretty sure they did. IIRC, they put an expert on the stand saying that his fentanyl dosage was lethal. But it didn't matter.

If they'd had video showing Floyd killing himself, they were still going to convict. Someone had to hang for St. Floyd's death.
Floyd's family hired their own doctor to review the autopsy results, and lo and behold their paid medical expert said Floyd died of asphyxiation due to airway collapse.

The jury found that compelling.
Ukrainian power grid will be down a long time.
They need 59 High Voltage transformers, most of which take up to 2 years to custom build.
USA and EU outsourced all this to China. So after 2 years you get a transformer weighing 200 tons, it is shipped by boat from China another 6 months. To a port in the EU with the crane capacity to lift it onto a special rail car, to be hauled to Ukraine. To be off loaded and installed if they have mobile cranes and the trucks to off load and haul to site.
Then do they have the expertise. Most of this hardware in Ukraine was build by the old USSR.
On Saturday the Russians sent another 80 missiles and are now targeting the actual power stations and turbines.

Some of the missiles, some new kind of missile, the American satellites did not see them enter Ukraine. NATO satellites and radar did not see them. It took US and NATO experts 5 hrs to figure out they had been hit by a Russian missile that they could not detect.

The USD was redeemable in gold until August 15, 1971.
This background may be helpful
Nixon Ends Convertibility of the Dollar to Gold

Since 1958, when the Bretton Woods system became operational, countries settled their international balances in dollars, and U.S. dollars were convertible to gold at a fixed exchange rate of $35 an ounce. The United States had the responsibility of keeping the dollar price of gold fixed and had to adjust the supply of dollars to maintain confidence in future gold convertibility.

[.]From 1962 until the closing of the U.S. gold window in August 1971, the Federal Reserve relied on “currency swaps” as its key mechanism for temporarily defending the U.S. gold stock. The Federal Reserve structured the reciprocal currency arrangements, or swap lines, by providing foreign central banks cover for unwanted dollar reserves, limiting the conversion of dollars to gold.[.]
Source: USFederalReserveHistory.

And from Canada's Fraser Institute:

Learn from 'Nixon's Shock' - Control Central Bankers, limit ability to debase currency

[.]Back in 1913, anyone could present U.S. currency to the authorities to receive gold (then at the rate of $20.67 per ounce). This provided a check on inflation—if U.S. authorities printed too many dollars, it would weaken the dollar against other currencies (such as the British pound) and eventually set up an arbitrage where speculators would turn in dollars for gold in New York, ship the gold across the Atlantic to London, present the gold for pounds, then go to the forex market to turn their British pounds back into more U.S. dollars than they started with. Thus if the U.S. inflated too aggressively, it would lose gold to other countries.

Yet under Bretton Woods, only other central banks were allowed to present U.S. dollars to the American government for redemption in gold. Moreover, in practise even this formal power was pooh-poohed. When the Federal Reserve inflated the money supply in the 1950s and 1960s to pay for the Korean and Vietnam wars, for example, this fuelled domestic inflation and contributed to trade deficits (as foreign imports became relatively cheaper than U.S.-made goods). Under Bretton Woods, rather than settling up in gold, America’s trading partners were encouraged to reconcile trade deficits by stockpiling dollar-denominated financial assets such as U.S. government bonds.
Eventually this situation became unacceptable to those who did not enjoy the Americans’ “exorbitant privilege.” For example, French president Charles de Gaulle famously announced his intention (in 1965) to exchange his country’s dollar assets for gold. These pressures eventually led Nixon to announce that the United States would no longer even allow foreign central banks to redeem dollars for gold. (emphasis added)
Source: LINK

Fast Forward. 2022 -
Bretton Woods 111 unfolding. Petroyuan, PetroGOld, BRICS coin.....

A highly recommended read is the best detailed review of "Outlook 2023" by Zoltan Pozsar, Credit Suisse (Original requires subscription or CS Wealth Management client)

The dusk of the petrodollar, the dawn of petroyuan

Credit Suisse contributor Zoltan Pozsar has continued his ongoing series about Bretton Woods III where commodities will dictate the new world order. For his last dispatch of the year, he described how the world is now shifting to a multipolar order “being built not by G7 heads of state but by the ‘G7 of the East’ (the BRICS heads of state).”

BRICS stands for the group of five nations: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. But Pozsar said that with the poised expansion via rumored applications for Saudi Arabia, Turkey, or Egypt, he took the liberty to round up the current “G5.”
The author focused on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at the recent summit in the Arab states, which for Pozsar is very telling on how Beijing plans to outmaneuver the West in global economy.
“Fixed income investors should care – not just because the invoicing of oil in renminbi will hurt the dollar’s might, but also because commodity encumbrance means more inflation for the West,” Pozsar said.[.]
I'm pretty sure they did. IIRC, they put an expert on the stand saying that his fentanyl dosage was lethal. But it didn't matter.

If they'd had video showing Floyd killing himself, they were still going to convict. Someone had to hang for St. Floyd's death.

If anyone doesn't think the political pressure plus physical intimidation/pressure on the jury was the reason he wasn't acquitted, they are kidding themselves. There was no way he wasn't get convicted

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