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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Whichever one he was the commander of that sector for the Marines. He pulled a lot of bullshit not letting them in that sector wanting the glory for his Marines.

To top it off, that POS was always talking big shit but never stepped foot on a battle field as a junior officer. He was already a high ranking officer by the time the GWOT started.

Watch this interview of the Delta Force operator who was the Squadron Sargent Major at the time. This dude is candid as fuck and many other Delta Guys have been on this podcast. I served with Chris VanSant (Delta Operator) who's a great interview on that channel. There are 3 really candid interviews with John McPhee I'm pretty sure it was this one, or one of the other two he brings up Fallujah and Mattis. Good listens all of them.


Ok. Well I think you are full of shit. None of that sounds right. High ranking officer?? JFC man there was nothing going on prior to the Gulf War. He was the battalion commander of 1/7 during the Gulf War invasion force into Kuwait.

Here’s a full blown breakdown of Fallujah 1 done by an Army infantry officer along with a Canadian infantry officer.

I have no love for Mattis because he became a war industrial fucking sellout to Trump.

Be that as it may, none of what you said makes any sense.


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021
Ok. Well I think you are full of shit. None of that sounds right. High ranking officer?? JFC man there was nothing going on prior to the Gulf War. He was the battalion commander of 1/7 during the Gulf War invasion force into Kuwait.

Here’s a full blown breakdown of Fallujah 1 done by an Army infantry officer along with a Canadian infantry officer.

I have no love for Mattis because he became a war industrial fucking sellout to Trump.

Be that as it may, none of what you said makes any sense.
Well, I was going off what that guy said. You're right I wasn't a witness and I don't have first hand knowledge. He could have been lying. But I'm not a big Mattis fan. He came off great originally, but more and more I heard a lot of bad shit about him. Regardless, you're entitled to your opinion. Mattis showed his true colors after he resigned, that he was military industrial complex shill.

I have nothing but respect for you sir. I'm gonna guess you're a Marine. You're a hero to me, Fallujah was no joke. Take good care

P.S. I was ona good one last night, so my emotions were a little higher.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Well, I was going off what that guy said. You're right I wasn't a witness and I don't have first hand knowledge. He could have been lying. But I'm not a big Mattis fan. He came off great originally, but more and more I heard a lot of bad shit about him. Regardless, you're entitled to your opinion. Mattis showed his true colors after he resigned, that he was military industrial complex shill.

I have nothing but respect for you sir. I'm gonna guess you're a Marine. You're a hero to me, Fallujah was no joke. Take good care

P.S. I was ona good one last night, so my emotions were a little higher.
No worries brother. All good.


Dec 1, 2020
Any recs of what to do if I visited

In winter or summer. Obviously no outdoor water sports in winter. Skiing, snowshoeing, check out the coastal towns. Portland is active, not in the Oregon way. From Northern Maine you can shoot over to Quebec City or do the nature stuff. Well it's more than a shoot over, but a more pure European type city than even Montreal


Dec 2, 2020
Your daily reminder to keep voting for Max (Parker) in the receivers category.
You can vote hourly.

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