Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Unless your a democrat...right? How about all of Schiff's lying and false accusations against Trump, while KNOWING that what he was saying was not true?

I guess after I re-read it, you're saying that it's about doing the bidding of the establishment, which at this point is a D agenda, so I guess that makes sense. Which is exactly why we need people that have balls and will push back on the establishment to get to the actual truth, not another person or groups version of it.
There is little difference between the D agenda and the R agenda. If there was, a lot of the last minute deals done a week ago would not have happened. McConnell, a R, could have shut down the Omnibus Bill. Likewise, much of the $100 billion sent to Ukraine last year would not have been had those in leadership questioned it. They didn't. They pushed it. Has any GOP in leadership said anything about drilling for more oil & gas?

Point is that one doesn't get into positions of power or influence within the Congress unless they have consumed the kool-aid.
AOC is like a headless chicken, runs around in circles with no idea what she's doing unless there is a string attached.
You are so wrong about AOC. What you're seeing is nothing more than an act to appease to her dipshit voting base. Make no mistake AOC knows exactly what she is doing. As Hillary once said "You must have a public persona and a private one." Behind closed doors I'd bet money AOC is a conservative catholic because I've never met a Puerto Rican who wasn't. She's just playing her part and getting filthy rich while doing so. Same as the rest in DC. There's only one team in DC and we aint on it.
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I will admit that I do not follow the Ukrainian conflict closely, but I read what @FreeMiner posts and then I see tweets like this one below and I am utterly confused. There are two entirely different stories being told. Is it all propaganda?

Pretty much. Taking territory isn't the same as taking cities. Ukraine is huge land wise. Russia supposedly only had about 110000 soldiers in Ukraine when Ukr launched that sept offensive. Russia decided to retreat instead of lose outnumbered soldiers. Most reports on the ground were suggesting that Ukr was losing soldiers 3 to 1 while they took all that open space but just a few cities. Even the media calling it a counter offensive all the time instead of an offensive shows the propaganda thinking of every word.

The latest offensive that the media was pumping up to put Crimea in range of Himars has already been squashed and Russia has retaken most of the area they lost in that offensive. It's just a matter of they only report "good" news about Ukr and overblow the "bad" news about Russia. They want to pretend that those 300,000 "conscripts" have already been sent to the front and died. The truth is that only about 67000 troops have been sent to Ukr since their call up. Those new troops mostly replaced troops that hadn't been rotated out for a while. So there are still 240,000+ Russians waiting to enter the fight. Ukr has about 40000 troops waiting to enter the fight. It's a numbers game at this point...

For instance... Think of what you know about Russia. Media reports say that winter favors Ukr because Russia doesn't have winter gear. Just off what you know about Russia in general, what do you think the odds are that Russia doesn't have winter gear? How much money would you bet that they had better winter gear than hot weather gear? Would you go to Russia in the winter? LOL.
Fuck McCarthy. Fuck Trump for endorsing him again today. And fuck the establishment rinos. I’d rather see a Dem get speaker than McCarthy.

It is obvious now that Trump is not what we thought he was. I won’t be voting for him as the Rep nominee. He fucked up big time today.
Have to admit... This is the biggest headscratcher for me. I can't believe he doesn't realize how they did him last time and he seems to want to leave the same types in charge to 'help' him in '24. LOL! OK.
Wonder what they did to get to her. She knows Kevin is a RINO, yet here she is advocating for him to get the Gavel.
Tim Pool thinks they promised her committee spots and rules to let her do investigations. I think she thinks that's a move forward. I agree with Gaetz that doing any investigation without teeth will just let them say "see, we did your investigation and found nothing. Now move on".
Have to admit... This is the biggest headscratcher for me. I can't believe he doesn't realize how they did him last time and he seems to want to leave the same types in charge to 'help' him in '24. LOL! OK.
All the Donald has to do is look at McCarthy's voting record. 46% of the time he voted with democrats. Does that sound like a guy that conservatives should back? I get it once in a while, but almost half the time he turns his back on his party and the right leaning folks he is supposedly looking out for. At this point I'd rather see the house not go in to session.....for a long time . All they do is create problems for everyone but themselves.

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